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The sun shone down on the womens back, which was glistening with sweat already.

She'd only been out, lying on sand, for ten minutes and she was already in need of a depe in the aqua coloured water.

She breathed in allowing the soft breeze of the palm trees serenade her, eyes closed she pictured herself a few days back.

An inexpensive white dress and her hair curled to perfection as she walked out of the church grinning, hand in hand with her husband.

Four days they'd been married and the grin that graced her skin that day still hadn't left, it had infact gotten bigger.

Everytime she saw him wither it be his delightful laugh as he ran away from the approaching waves or the playful scowl that crossed his face when she refused to give him a kiss, which she always ended up doing. Even when they were back home and it wouldn't stop raining yet he still insisted on taking her out dancing along the soggy, dimly lit streets of London.

"Jess!" his voice called from the distance, she her head to face the man smiling as he waved at her from the sea. He giggled as she waved back "get in, before i force you, love!" he said loudly before he fell back under the water.

Jessica got up from her place by the towels and walked over to the water, her soft toes sinking slightly into the damp sand. She looked around in confusion as she couldn't spot him.

"Paulie!" she squealed as somebody wrapped their arms around her waist and pulled her into the aater fully.

Paul laughed loudly as he swam away from his wife who was attempting to grab his ankle.

"You scared the life out of me!" she groaned looking up at the clear sky.

Paul smiled in content as he took in her beauty. Her hair was long but not too long, her eyes were large and seemed to hold a thousand stories just from one look, his smile grew bigger as her soft giggle echoed in his mind.
He couldn't get enough of her.

He hadn't been truly happy since the break-up, which obviously ended messily. Sadly the pair began to date just after the release of Let it Be meaning Jessica had to put up with a bruting Paul on their first date, yet somehow he'd managed to keep her.

Jess was the only person able to cheer him up whenever he had one of his off days, were his past depression got the best of him and he got flashbacks to the good old days with his bestfriends. She always managed to clear his head, with one of her head massages or her compliments. He loved her. And he truly believe she was his soulmate.

He watched in astonishment as the women brought her head from the water and her blonde hair was slicked back neatly from the water, she raised a brow giggling at his open mouth.

"Yer gorgeous" he stated plainly making her laugh loudly.

"My hairs tangled and my necks covered in bruises" he smirked at this "I doubt i look that great" she finished slapping his arm at his suggestive look.

"You always look great, darling" he sung before he disappeared under the water.

She screamed as the man lifted her up and flung her over his shoulder.

"Come on, Mrs McCartney! We've only got a week left of this honeymoon we can't spend everyday on the beach" he said smacking her bum lightly and laughing as the girl blushed.

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