𝐭𝐰𝐨: meeting the ones who can do things with their mind

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"no that's not how you do it yunho!" he sighs, showing yunho, yet again, how to properly do a flying kick.

"not all of us are fucking strange like you san okay?" yunho huffs in annoyance, once again trying to emulate what san was doing. he lifts his leg up using the same posture as san, only for him to lose balance, his body to fail him and for him to fall over yet again. he groans and gets himself back up.

"you're saying that in a facility full of mutants!" san giggles, doing another flying kick to demonstrate—more like show off—to yunho once again. "and i'm not nearly as strange as some of the people here."

"now that's a lie." yunho smiles.

"no it's not."

"your power may be normal but you sir definitely are not."

"i'm very normal, i don't believe that."

yunho tries one more time but ends up tripping over his two feet and losing his balance once again.

"i... i can read your mind choi, you agreed with.. with.. my point." yunho gasps out of breath, just giving up and collapsing on the floor of the facility's gym. "i can't believe you even try to lie to me."

"hey, hey! now be nice unless you want this water dumped all over your pretty face." san taunts, levitating an already opened water bottle over to yunho with his mind.

"why don't you play nice unless you want an image of professor lee butt naked forever imprinted in your memory." yunho fights right back, already knowing how to fester such a disgusting thought into the brain of the younger. this succeeded only at breaking san's concentration and making him almost drop the water bottle.

thankfully he didn't, because lord knows the things he would have to do to get yunho to erase such a god awful memory from his mind.

"eww eww, you could've at least chosen mr. cho! you had to go with that really old and ugly hag." san gently places the bottle by yunho's collapsed and sweaty body before cringing at himself for even trying to think about what that could look like.

yunho couldn't help but laugh at his friend, sitting up as he picks up the water bottle and chugs over half of it down. "professor seungyoun is hot... i would be doing you a favour sannie."

"also, i appreciate the compliment."

"dude you know i don't like it when you read my mind."

"oh no. i meant when you called my face pretty earlier." he responds with a smirked smile. "now i don't even need to read your mind to know that you complimented me in your mind."

"yaH! jeong yunho!" san gently kicks yunho's back but both couldn't wipe the grins that were plastered over their mouths.

they'd been training together consistently for the better part of a year alongside hongjoong, since members of the same cluster were supposed to train together. that's the protocol, but it wasn't like they complained. they automatically clicked and had amazing chemistry because they were destined to from the moment they were born. they all share a common strand of mutant dna that has entangled itself into their entire being.

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