𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲: explaining the complexity of space-time

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yunho pushes hongjoong down into the couch with his hand. "no hold on. explain everything. then we'll go. you're leading with your emotions please for the love of god use your fucking brain for once today hongjoong."

though offended by the argument, he couldn't deny the fact that he has been especially emotional recently. he takes a deep breath to calm himself down and collect his thoughts.

"i had a vision of wooyoung." he starts off, sitting up right and clasping his fingers on top of his knees. "he was in a bathtub, speaking to himself, i don't remember the details, they were kind of fuzzy... but it was like he was talking to himself?"

"i honestly can't remember that much but the craziest part was that the bruises on his body were exactly the same as the ones on seonghwa's. the massive bruise on the stomach, even the splotches on his back."

"wait, those are wooyoung's tell though." san elaborates, pursing his lips when the memories from the night before resurface. "he has these two large birthmarks on his back that sort of look like wings."

"they did look like wings but i can't really remember," hongjoong mumbles, massaging his temple to try and jog his memory. "either way, it doesn't explain how or why seonghwa and wooyoung have matching injuries. they looked exactly the same, placement and everything, it just doesn't make sense."

"we can do a memory scan?" san suggests after a while. "now's the best time to do it whilst everything is really fresh in your mind."

"no. no i won't san." yunho shook his head with a frown. the last memory scan he did gave the subject permanent amnesia. he didn't want to risk that with someone he knew and cared for deeply.

"hey what's going on?"

the room becomes silent.

he comes shuffling out of the room, the sparkles now gone from his cheeks, a massive blanket shrouding his shoulders and dragging on the floor behind him like a cape. he didn't look that tired thankfully, though he did have some severe bags under his eyes and it was clear that he had just woken up. other than that, he looked perfectly fine, which was exactly what they all needed in that moment.

"seonghwa..." hongjoong bursts up and goes to wrap the taller in a hug. "i'm so glad you're alright."

"of course i'm okay, sannie helped."

"no.. no you don't understand. seeing you beaten and bruised like that... it broke my heart."

the atmosphere in the room became tense, their two eldest holding each other in a tight embrace.

"you have a lot of explaining to do sir." san states, making seonghwa laugh slightly when he gets down on the couch and lays a head on hongjoong's shoulder.

"i quite literally was just going to the market to get some ingredients, and everything was perfectly fine until i was in the corridor outside. it's all blurry, i just remember the... pain. everything else is a mess, but i vividly remember there being no one else in the corridor with me, it was like a ghost or some weird force was beating me up. i wish i could explain more, but that's all that happened."

duality ➵ an ateez superhero auWhere stories live. Discover now