𝐬𝐢𝐱: meeting the one who can become invisible

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"alright on to the two mysteries." yunho rubs his hands together excitedly.

"yes and you're going to go and find mystery number 1."

"oh..." yunho frowns suddenly, making san hit him in the arm with a giggle, his dimples shining on both of his cheeks.

" yunho frowns suddenly, making san hit him in the arm with a giggle, his dimples shining on both of his cheeks

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there was practically no information on them except for a name and their super power.

"jung wooyoung." jaemin reads. "it's going to be tough, that's for sure."

"yeah the dude's power is invisibility!" yunho shouts with a pointed look. "it's literally impossible to look for someone when you actually can't see them!"

"yes we get it. your benefit is that he's trapped in a mental asylum."

yunho's heart drops.

he can become invisible and he's delusional?!

"i know what you're thinking without even reading your mind." san speaks.

"by benefit i mean there are records of wooyoung in that mental asylum and we can help get you in so you can get wooyoung out. you're the best talker out of all of us here and the best person to assign to wooyoung."

yunho sighs but turns his grim face into a confident, sly grin. "i'm always up for a challenge."





"where the fuck does that kid disappear to? honestly." the nurse huffs when she comes into wooyoung's room to see that it was, once again, completely empty. she scowls in disgust, the sound of the metal lock hitting the wooden door echoing in the silence.

"there're huge ass locks on his damn door, there's no way he can leave his room and yet... he still manages!" she mutters, believing that she was in the room all alone. "and just when i bring someone in, he comes right back."

"it's like he's even more of a fucking freak than he already is." she aggressively puts down wooyoung's meal onto the side table, not particularly caring that his orange juice spilled slightly onto the table or that his pile of beef was minuscule compared to that of the other residents. throwing wooyoung's medicine in the small cup, she doesn't bother trying to call someone and alert them that wooyoung was 'missing,' knowing that she would just get herself into even more trouble.

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