𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞: and hit me with your best shot.

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each of them found themselves alone inside of 8 identical rooms, the walls a stony grey and the floor an equally drab concrete. large monitors on the wall allowed all the other cluster members to see each other, equally as disoriented and confused.

"your task is simple." taeyong's voice seemed to boom out of nowhere. it scared the living shit out of mingi and made him yelp in surprise, much to the amusement of the other 7 people in the simulation. "you will be sent to a building momentarily with hostages inside. all you need to do is to get all 10 hostages out and safe."

"yell out if you have a question and i'll answer if i can. nod if you understand." taeyong is met with 8 heads nodding their heads up and down. "good. here's a breakdown of your powers so you know what i know."

"mingi, you have, what we officially call, omnikenisis. you don't only have fire powers, you have control over all elements. fire, water, earth and air."

mingi furrows his brows in confusion. "wait so i have more than just fire powers?"

"give it a go. we know you can turn into a human flamethrower, try shooting ice crystals out of your palms."

he didn't quite know what he was doing, he felt incredibly out of his depth. but he remembered the sensation of spitting fire out of his hands, so he attempts to emulate that, except focusing his attention on cool streams of water instead of the fiery infernos he conjured up the night prior. mingi couldn't believe his eyes when water started to jet out of his own palms and spray all over the grey room. his eyelids peel open in surprise but he keeps going, switching it up to spray ice shards instead of warm water, giggling to himself when the cool breeze tickled the exposed skin of his arms.

he remembered taeyong saying something about him being able to control other elements too, like air and earth.

next thing he knew, mingi had harnessed the air circulating around the room and started making himself twirl and spin in the air. his laugh was infectious, everyone in the simulation couldn't get the endearment off their faces.

to say that taeyong was impressed would be an understatement. mingi already knew how to control 3 of his 4 elemental powers in under 10 minutes, and he was already trying to make flower petals shower from the sky like jaemin had done the day before. so, he basically had his powers down pat in about 15 minutes.

it took jeno a whole year to use water in its other states. mingi was already shooting ice, snow and liquid water from his hands, not to mention the 3 other elements under his control. he'd essentially condensed a years worth of training into practically no time at all.

"alright, i'll leave you to it."

"jongho, well we know your power. frankly, the world knows your power, i'd just practice it a bit more. it seems that you have things under control. this session is mainly for those who don't know what they're doing."

"yeosang. you're our phase shifter and molecular manipulator. give it a go, turn yourself liquid." taeyong didn't realise how strange of a statement that sounded until he voiced it, yeosang didn't know where to begin either. he awkwardly just stood there, a weird strained look on his face as he tried to do what he did back at the house.

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