𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧: saving the day

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they watch a whole army start flurrying outside of the doors as the group approach the building. it was endless. more and more and more people running out of the building, seemingly with only one objective. to get them.


hongjoong freezes time, giggling slightly at the less than attractive facial expressions of his cluster mates as he takes in his surroundings and forms a plan.

he thinks carefully and maps out where each person had to go, seeing who's powers would be best utilised where. wooyoung for example, had to go into the building to get hostages, his power is fully defensive and can't be used for an attack, especially since he is not trained in any form of fighting or martial art. seonghwa on the other hand was helpful on either end, he could be used to get the hostages but also outside and in the midst of the battle.

hongjoong weighed the pros and cons, he knew he could take his time but using his powers to stop time tired him out. he didn't want to be drained before the battle had even begun.

with a plan in mind, he takes a moment to steady his thoughts, make sure it's clear of distractions and prepares himself to fill in his role as a leader. it had been a while since he's done a simulation, especially one this intense. one that's going to require a lot of fighting and a hell of a lot of shouting.

then with a clear picture of what he wants to do, he lets go, and lets time slowly inch it's way back to its normal pace.

"alright listen up! wooyoung, seonghwa, jongho, yunho, your aim is to get inside. your priority is saving the hostages." hongjoong screeches over the drumming of footsteps from what seemed like a hundred soldiers barraging towards them with what looked to be loaded firearms in their possession. "everyone else, cover for them. go for whatever soldier you can, make sure you attack to kill."

his experience around simulations and missions was kicking in. it was clear that he had done this a few times before, the inner leader inside hongjoong had started to come out and it seemed as though he was truly born to do this. he shouted orders like an accomplished sergeant.

the other 7 yelp out discordant replies—that was something hongjoong had to work on—before they all sprint away to do what they were ordered to.

yunho stays close to mingi's side, using his red haired friend as a shield to help get him inside of the building. they seemed to work well together, yunho using his mental manipulation to force the soldiers to halt their shooting, look towards their direction, away from their other team mates. mingi simply had to shoot razor sharp icicles through the hearts, killing them instantly.

a hurricane of icicles, then walls of scorchingly hot fires all amalgamating where mingi wanted them. soldiers dropping dead from the extreme hot and cold all around them.

wooyoung ducked right by yunho, staying invisible and keeping an arm on the taller's back to let him know that he was there. he didn't even need to do anything, just stay out of the line of fire and close to the two tall ones.

mingi manages to escort yunho (and wooyoung unknowingly) safely towards the building's entrance, giving him a small squeeze on the shoulder for encouragement, yunho immediately runs through the building's entrance with wooyoung right on his tail.

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