𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞: i just can't wait

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i'm not dead...?

no you are.

but i'm not.

wooyoung gasps awake, his nose suddenly attacked by a clinical stench, his heart palpitating in sync with the beeping of the mildly annoying monitor. his eyes bombarded with an overwhelming amount of white.

white walls. white bed sheets. white, ghostly skin.

he felt a faint stinging sensation in his pale hand, and looked down to see a needle digging into the back of his hand, connecting him to a plastic IV drip bag. his head was spinning, feeling lightheaded and dizzy, the world around him seemingly duplicating.

and that's when the memories bombard his mind.

bruises were all on his body, still waiting to recede away and to heal. each splotch associated with the memory of the attack and bashing from.. himself.

his other hand, that didn't have wires and tubes sticking out of it, had started quivering, the muscles remembering how it felt to die once. he wanted to rip the IV drip out of his hand, now disgusted by the feeling of the ice cold fluid getting pumped into his veins but he was so weak and his whole body just stung so much. he could barely lift a finger.

the apocalypse can't wait for him to get better. it had to start now.

his heart must've started beating even faster, perhaps from the sudden desire to move, and adrenaline now coursing through his blood stream because the monitor was beginning to go crazy. beeping louder than before, at an unbelievably fast speed. blaring into wooyoung's ear, making his already terrible headache even worse and his heart beat even quicker. it was a feedback loop that had was starting to raise alarm and alerted some people that come barrelling into the room.

san, upon realising wooyoung had woken up, immediately kneels on his bedside and grasps his hand, gently rubbing circles with his thumb.

"woo. wooyoung. baby i need you to breathe." san speaks in a shockingly calm manner that had a very soothing effect on him. the monitor too calming down, no longer flashing bright red and making obnoxious sounds. "that's it. just like that. do you know where you are?"

"i-i'm somewhere." he manages to stammer out after a few seconds of hesitation. "are we back at the elite?"

"yeah, you've been through quite a bit." the other members come filing in slowly behind san, cautiously peeping their heads into the room before coming in.

"wow. seonghwa you really did manage to bring a man back to life." jongho gasps in amazement, a gummy smile on his face when he sees wooyoung very much breathing and alive.

the taller was equally as shocked, "i can't believe it myself." he was still fatigued from it all but a nap and some chocolate were enough to let him fully recover and for yeonjun's ability to fade away. though, that chill in his heart was still there, the fact that he had to kill someone, in exchange for another life was a sickening thought. but necessary.

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