𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐱: let's have some fun

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"wooyoung.. do you know who choi yeonjun is?" jaemin had been wondering around in search of some rather important technology and documents that seemed to have vanished into thin air. the cluster member happened to be passing by and reminded jaemin of the question he had planned on asking, but only once he's recovered from his resurrection of course (fairly quickly if you asked jaemin but what did he know? he doesn't have a clue about what it meant to bring people back to life.)

"oh.. yeonjun-ie? i knew him back at the facility. we were friends for a bit, but he ditched me for some other kids and then left."

"did he know of your powers?"

"i didn't even know of my powers back then. i was just young.. looking for some friends, thrown away into this mental institution because bad things were happening to the people around me—" wooyoung didn't realise what he had said until it was too late, cursing himself and that damn mouth of his.

"what kind of bad things?"

"i—have to go jaemin. i'll see you around." he frantically leaves the scene, forgetting about what he was there to do in the first place and just going away before jaemin could ask any more questions.


yunho's groans of pain and discomfort were nothing more than just that, sore muscles that were too painful to shut up over. he had exerted himself a lot in the battle yesterday, as had everyone else. they all went to bed at the same time, got the same amount of rest, ate the same amount of that god send of a chocolate bar. but for some reason, yunho in particular was completely exhausted. even seonghwa was feeling much better than he was, energetically bouncing throughout the dorm and he was the one that brought a whole ass man back to life.

wooyoung's walking past, hearing grunts behind the closed door and figured now would be the perfect opportunity to begin his journey to chaos. especially when san was sitting on the couch just outside and in hearing range of that specific bedroom.

he knocks softly on the door, hearing a faint 'come in' and then another soft moan. going into the room, he leaves the door slightly adjacent so that it wasn't fully closed.

"yun are you okay?" wooyoung asks, voice as sweet as honey, padding softly towards the bed.

"honestly? no not really, i'm—" he is barely able to open his eyes when the shorter crawls over yunho with a seductive look in his eyes, making the one lying down extremely uncomfortable. for he wasn't at all romantically interested in wooyoung and he knew that san had grown a liking for their dark haired friend currently tracing the lines of yunho's abs with the delicate touch of his fingers. the large shirt that he had on was slowly riding up his torso, gentle touches feeling every inch of skin. more and more of his body getting exposed when wooyoung's hands become more adventurous and massage the entirety of his chest.

"i heard you from outside..." wooyoung bites down on his plump lips, hands that were once on yunho's stomach now trailing even lower. "sounds like you needed help.."

his eyes immediately widen and face heats up to a bright red shade, "woah no. you must've gotten the wrong message. i'm just tired and my muscles are sore."

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