𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧: ???

597 51 12

his head goes beneath the surface of the water.








"haaa," he couldn't hold himself under any longer, gasping for air and coughing out since some of the water had entered his lungs.

"fuck!" he curses, slamming an arm down on the dirty, soapy water but the action makes bruise on his stomach ache. the water was already stinging the self inflicted cuts that littered his body. he felt like a punching bag, abused and left to rot inside of that damn tub. the bathroom was familiar yet completely alien as well. one that he's seen plenty of times but so dirty and grimy that it was hardly recognisable.

he felt like a stranger inside his own skin, wanting to crawl out and find its way back to its home.

this wasn't him.

and yet it was him at the same time.

it had always been him.

he goes for the knife once again but he forces himself to drop it. it clatters with a loud clinging sound onto the tiled floor, his hand trembling at the thought of using the sharp object.

no. no i won't let you.

hurting yourself, drowning yourself won't save you. you can't escape me.

you can't do this.

do what?

you know what i'm talking about.

don't talk to me as though we're different people.

we're not the same.


oh but we are.

don't lie to yourself.

you make me sick.

i am you.

i am apart of you,

i have been and i always will be.

"shut the fuck up!"

just give in already, it would make things so much easier.

i will never surrender to you.

resist the urge to fight.

succumb to the temptation.

you could have it all if you stop fighting and just trust me.

he goes back under.

you can't muffle voices when they're inside your head.

try drowning yourself. let's see if you can reach 10.






i can't do it.

i know.

then trust me.


i could never trust you.

then i guess we're just going to have to do this the hard way.

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