𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧: beat me black and blue

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"where is everyone?" hongjoong asks, waking up to find the dorm completely empty except for seonghwa who sat at the kitchen island, nursing what looked to be a latte.

hongjoong couldn't get the dream—well vision most probably—out of his mind from last night.

surely his clustermate would never actually do something like that would they?

especially him. he seemed so weak compared to everyone else. or perhaps that was in fact the reason why he would betray them and start the apocalypse.

god it's too early for this.

"baekhyun called them for some meeting? i'm not too sure, i was still half asleep when he showed up but he needed everyone except the two of us." seonghwa smiles, turning to face hongjoong. "it''s why i didn't bother waking you up, i thought you'd need the rest."

"thank you." hongjoong goes to the pot of coffee to get himself another cup, needing to feed this caffeine addiction that he seems to be developing. when he stops himself suddenly. "say. do you think you could make some something this morning? like a drink from the cafe you worked at."

seonghwa's eyes lit up.

"i can make you a strawberry milkshake! like the ones they sold at the store i.. worked at." seonghwa's cheery expression turned into a frown very quickly. "huh.. i completely skipped my shifts the last few days. where do they think i went? like, did i just, disappear?"

"we usually have a team go out and alter the memories of the people around you, in your past life." the way hongjoong phrased it, made it seem more dramatic than it really was. "you know yunho's powers? sort of like that really. they alter the memories of people just slightly, so they think you went on holiday or something. i'm not really privy to all the details."

"oh okay." was the only thing seonghwa thought of replying to that.

"let me go to the market just to grab the ingredients then!" seonghwa jumps out of his chair and out of instinct runs his fingers through hongjoong's hair, going to give him a kiss on the cheek when he realises that—well—that's weird.

"i'll be back soon!"

30 minutes go by when hongjoong hears some rattling outside their dorm, it sounded like there was some sort of fight or signs of distress. he didn't think much of it, probably some mutants making out a bit too aggressively or people getting a bit too hung up over some argument.

the knock on the door however was what really surprised hongjoong. it should be seonghwa, but seonghwa can open a door on his own, who could it be?

he gets up and goes to the door.

"seonghwa.." hongjoong gasps at the sight when he opens the door, seeing his cluster mate's body completely littered with bruises, cuts and scrapes. his usually gorgeous face was obscured by grotesque swelling that pulsated a blush red, slowly beginning to settle into the horrible purple colours of a bruise. a massive cut on his lip was bleeding out, making seonghwa taste blood every few seconds and leaving hongjoong only able to watch as a drip of blood rolls down his chin. his nose was completely disfigured and bent in a highly unnatural way, blood gushing out of his nostrils too.

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