𝐨𝐧𝐞: meeting the boy who can manipulate time and space

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hongjoong jolts awake and felt tears prick his eyes.


the entire bed was completely soaking wet with his sweat from that night, wrinkled and twisted from his constant thrashing and inability to remain still. it was probably sometime in the early morning, the moon and stars still high in the pitch black sky. hongjoong blindly gropes around in the dark, trying to find the journal he kept on his right bedside every night and the pen that he had hooked on the current page. switching on the bedside light, the room instantly floods with a light that makes him squint his eyes. hongjoong quickly turns to the next blank page and starts to scribble intensely.

the page begins to blossom with lines of text and sketches, the only sound heard in the room being hongjoong's heavy breathing and harsh scratching of pen against paper. he quite frankly didn't really know what he was writing and was more so just jotting down everything that came to mind about the dream he had just now.

"stop him or he's going to kill us all!"

"what the hell?!"

"get all pedestrians to safety, now!"

"you have to do it seonghwa you're the only one who can do it!"

hongjoong attempts to distinguish his surroundings, wanting to know where exactly he was in the world, but it was difficult when there wasn't really much surrounding at all. everything around him had been demolished into rubble, a wasteland that seemed to look the same everywhere he turned.

there was a boy standing tall at the top of a skyscraper, tattoos covering his body, an aura of power emanating from him that was ambiguous. not clear as to whether it was good or bad.

he stopped suddenly.

and looks at what he drew. it's that same boy again, wooyoung he heard from a dream a few days prior. except this time with these weird runes shaped tattoos all over his arms and bare torso that hongjoong had never seen before. he bet those runes on his body had something to do with the power. they seemed archaic but that was only a guess and he didn't know what they did or meant either. he knew this wooyoung was superhuman but he didn't know his superpower nor did he know why he came up in his dreams so often. whether wooyoung was good, evil? a friend or foe?

he hasn't even properly seen wooyoung's face, just hearing his name get shouted by unknown voices in the background. jaemin and jeno did say that someone named wooyoung was part of his cluster, but that was more of a passing comment and not concrete fact. hongjoong may have just remembered incorrectly.

then the name he heard today specifically, seonghwa, was new. he's never had that name show up in his dreams, and it may have been one of the most specific details he's had lately. most of the time his visions were vague at best, as though he was watching a movie with the curtains still hanging over half the screen. the only clear details so far have been wooyoung and seonghwa, but he's yet to figure out their significance in the grand scheme of things.

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