𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞: pathetic

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god for people who are supposed to be my clustermates i thought they would be smarter than this.

most powerful mutants in the world my ass.

they don't suspect a thing either.

they're just making out with each other and making strawberry fucking milkshakes. though good milkshakes, i knew i chose correctly.

who would've thought it would be so easy to get them to turn on each other. just have the wrong people get together, and suddenly they're all jealous. can't keep their damn dicks in their pants.

such fragile egos. true power doesn't need love, doesn't care for emotions. if they deserved to be with me, they wouldn't have overacted the way that they did.

i thought they wouldn't be like wooyoung. weak. leading with their hearts and dicks instead of their brain.

i thought they would be smart. just like me.

they are the most powerful beings to exist on earth. and yet... they brush aside total global dominance and worship for.. love?

"hi woo." yeosang greets with a kind smile when wooyoung walks towards them. he puts down two steaming mugs of hot chocolate on the table at just the correct temperature for the two of them.

these ones might be fun. i haven't meddled with this pairing yet, they're showing the most promise.

"how'd you even make the hot chocolate? seonghwa and hongjoong were getting it on in the kitchen," jongho giggles and doesn't hesitate to take a sip from the mug filled to the brim with the comforting and warm, sickly sweet molten gold.

"i, uhh, already had all the ingredients already prepared, outside of the kitchen. all i had to do was head it all up. so really, it was all curtesy of mingi to warm up the chocolate, isn't that right?"

"of course." his tone was too robotic for wooyoung's liking, that was something he would have to work on, but it was enough to convince jongho and that was all that was necessary.

"get me a glass while you're at it woo!"

he doesn't even question me.

they think i'm who i used to be.

that's funny.

that's so funny.

"oh! is that hot chocolate? i want a glass!" seonghwa emerges from the kitchen with red marks all over his neck.

wow. they actually still trust me.

"someone seemed to have been very eager." mingi grins, eyeing the masterpiece that presumably was left behind by hongjoong after the two had disappeared behind the kitchen door.

"you know how it is."

wooyoung spins around with an almost maniacal twinkle in his eyes but everyone else just passed it off as him being extra giddy and excited. "sure! just let me get some more ingredients, and i'll be out in a jiffy!"

even though i'm the reason they're going to fall apart.

"is this the special chocolate that hongjoong keeps in those jars? the magical ones that make you feel more energised?" he emerges with 2 more steaming cups of chocolate that seemed to have just, appeared out of nowhere once again.

"of course! what other chocolate what i use?"

drink up buttercups.

"woah these are strong..." jongho was starting to feel it. and slowly everyone struggled to keep their eyes open.

one by one they drift to sleep.

don't forget to say good night.

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