𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧: it's just frustration

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"stupid! fucking! computer! won't work!" taeyong sneers, hitting the side of the monitor with his shaking hands when their systems refused to work as they always had.

the 8 sat uncomfortably as their mastermind couldn't stop yelling at his computer for refusing to turn on. the others in the room equally as embarrassed, jeno and jaemin with their heads in their hands, chan picking at his cuticles.

after their rest day, they were quick to be called back to the centre for a meeting. and it didn't seem like the others were particularly excited about it either.

"ah fuck it. we'll do it manually." taeyong takes out a pen and notepad with his extremely wobbly fingers and handing it over to jaemin, saving the others from having to decipher his chicken scratch later on.

"is everything okay taeyong?" wooyoung asks.

"yes..i mean.. well.. no n-not really." taeyong pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose, "everything's just been going wrong. half of our tech is gone, and the stuff that is left is malfunctioning. i just.. don't understand what's going on and i need the computers to—"

"taeyong hurry up and get to the damn point." jaemin's bellow surprises everyone in the room. that is, except for jeno who proceeds to join jaemin in this argument that was just beginning to brew.

"we all called you here because of your downright horrendous behaviour and attitude towards us and the other mutants at the facility." jeno begins his scolding, eyes clouding and turning a dark grey. everyone could feel a chill start to sweep the room, definitely caused by the water bender himself and his emotions starting to run wild.

it seemed as though he wasn't himself. almost being controlled. hongjoong especially caught onto this, jeno was acting extremely out of the ordinary, this wasn't like him.

"everyone knows that you're all very powerful mutants but that doesn't put you above the rules that apply to the entire elite population. what applies to them applies to you, no questions asked."

"disciplinary action as we see fit will be issued.. a really close eye will be kept on all of you until the apocalypse begins. no one is to leave the dormitory unaccompanied, you must go in pairs at all times and if we catch you wandering alone, then there will be serious repercussions. we cannot have you guys throwing temper tantrums when the world is about to end." jeno was looking dead into the leader's eyes as he says that final sentence.

"for all we know, it could've been you guys behind this mess that we're experiencing at the elite. we've never had issues until all 8 of you were here, together like this." jaemin immediately throws the blame onto the 8, who weren't exactly innocent and fully expected some sort of consequence for their actions. but they also definitely didn't expect to be thrown under the bus like that by jaemin.

"return to your dorm and from now on, you're on a strict schedule." yunho humphed upon hearing this, he didn't have a proper schedule since he was just a trainee at the institute and even then, it was flexible and he had freedom. "baekhyun will bring you guys to the gym where you'll train. you're not allowed to leave without permission until everyone is then brought back to their dorm. your sole purpose here will be for the apocalypse. is this understood?"

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