𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐩𝐭. 𝟐

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hongjoong was confused for a while. for quite a while really. time was no longer a member of his internal lexicon, his every sense was so overwhelmed by dozens of inputs. but dozens turned to hundreds, then turned to thousands all too quickly.

it was to the point that the pain was no longer a factor because the utter perplexity his continually tearing soul was experiencing had fully submerged any and all of hongjoong's own perceptions.

he'd manage to come to terms with it all. the potential for an eternity of agony seemed so much more possible, especially now that he's learned to somewhat tune his eyes or ears to certain dimensions and see what exactly was going on. they were only impressions really, but he does manage to catch small glimpses of yunho and mingi back at the elite, jaemin and jeno too. even their faces were beginning to lose familiarity to hongjoong though, and it took him more and more effort to sift through all the junk and find something worth looking at.

that is, until, the pain just vanished. everything came to a standstill.

and he finally found peace. using the colour white or calling it bright wasn't an accurate description for the life after death. everything was so calm, and tranquil. there wasn't a single worry or doubt in his mind.

he was just... happy.

so suddenly too, it almost scared him. it was all so quiet. the sensory overload, the numbed agony, the utter chaos that had been chugging along in his trains of thought had come to a screeching halt.

slowly, a figure emerges from afar, a hazy mist kept their body only partially visible but that didn't prevent hongjoong from recognising who it was.

"you're.. here." it hadn't been long but he already missed the sparkling doe eyes that stared at him with excitement. he was the one thing that distracted from the pain, honestly he might as well have taken all the pain away.

he assumed that it would stay like that forever, that they would never see each other because he was stuck in a perpetual cycle of continuous sensory overload. but there must've been a strong force that willed him to be there, that singlehandedly pulled all of hongjoong's torn soul together and stitched it up back into one. that allowed him to feel complete and to be with the one that he was destined to spend forever with.

"i promised you i will see you again." the taller bolts forward with the stupidest smile on his face and jumps into the arms that he so badly missed being cradled in.

"i couldn't be fully satisfied when i was here without you joong." he pushes a kiss onto the shorter's lips, so soft and so gentle, holding their foreheads together. "i wasn't truly happy and content until now."

seonghwa whispers, "i love you to the moon and back."

"i love you to infinity and beyond." the way their lips melded was different to the times that they kissed back in the living world. their souls were truly intertwining with each other, weaving in and out and knitting the two into one. their emotions flowed and ebbed into each other, every kiss was euphoric, every touch produced a new connection between them that brought their two souls even closer to each other. they had this connection that even death wasn't willing to sever, for hongjoong was the yin to seonghwa's yang, and the two are to never be seen without each other ever again. and they will never be apart again, the universe wants them together.

duality ➵ an ateez superhero auWhere stories live. Discover now