𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧: show me what you've got

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it was the morning time and san had already been too busy doing errands around the elite to take a break. when he finally did get back to his room, a knock at the door made him emit an exasperated groan.

"come on san, you have a simulation to get to."

"a simulation, are you kidding me baekhyun?!" san groans, sounding bothered but only really because it was baekhyun. he was actually very excited to put his powers to some use.

and to meet the rest of his cluster mates.

him and yeosang had managed to really get to know each other for the minute that they were alone. but once everyone else had started arriving, yeosang was dragged away to get shown around the elite.

"yes choi. now get your ass down to the simulation room."

san makes his way over to the simulation dome after changing into some athletic wear. he spots his giant of a friend just ahead of him, his blue veins pulsating from beneath his white dry fit tee. "yunho!"

san jogs slightly to catch up with the long legged man but they easily fall into a comfortable stride after yunho slows his pace down just a little bit. "it's been a while since we've really put our powers to use."

they'd been fooling around with their abilities in the gym but since they'd finished the elite's mandatory course and essentially honed in their powers, they were never tasked with anything very extreme.

but after the two of them had heard the prophecy in the meeting room, they both had gut feelings that told them they would be experiencing something far, far outside of their comfort zone. it was vital that they made sure their powers were not just up to par, but working at it's absolute best.

san levitates himself off of the ground, doing a little twirl in the air before landing again. his footsteps as silent as a mouse, not losing pace with yunho. "still got it."

yunho just rolls his eyes at his friend.

"hey guys wait up!" the two hear a voice call from the back, neither needing to turn around to recognise the voice of their cluster leader.

"hello little man!" yunho teases making hongjoong slap him aggressively in the arm as he runs slightly to catch up with the duo.

"i'm your hyung and leader! do i not deserve an ounce of respect?" hongjoong grunts, teleporting ahead of the other two and pushing open the double doors to the simulation deck.

"he always had a flair for the dramatic." san tells yunho telepathically, which makes the taller chuckle slightly as they follow right behind hongjoong going through the doors.

when the three of them reach the simulation room, they all freeze right next to each other.

standing in the center of the simulation deck, illuminated by the windows on the roof that let sunlight stream into the large dome, were 5 boys. as though lit by the heavens above, halos seemed to glow around their fellow cluster mates that basked in the golden sun rays, chattering animatedly between each other. dressed in similar white t-shirts and long black track pants, the 3 recognised the group as the faces they saw on the screen in the meeting room two days prior.

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