𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲: time to go dominate the world

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jongho feels himself slowly awaken, his head pounding and body weighed down by some invisible pressure that caused him shoulders to fold and posture to go slack. he goes to open his eyes but feels a fabric tied tightly around his head that makes it difficult to even try to move.

and when he does open his eyes, or at least he thinks he's opened them, there isn't much change at all. everything was still pitch. black. darkness.

"you're a disappointment to our family!"

"..oh god."

"get in that closet and stay there until you learn your lesson."

"...they're back." jongho can't help but start getting fidgety in his seat, trying his best to find something else to concentrate on. there was the pain of something tying him to the chair. he tries to concentrate on the way it dug into his wrists, keeping him trapped and stuck in his position, no matter how he tried to wiggle his way out.

but his past rushes over him like a tidal wave, and he struggled to remain afloat. the memories that he had successfully repressed into the depths of his mind. it seems like all this darkness is triggering something in his mind and bringing all that trauma back to light.

"you don't deserve to live!"

"hello? hello?" a voice booms out of nowhere and pulls him from his delusions, grounds him back to reality. though bleak, anything was better than reliving moments from his childhood.

"hey! get me the FUCK OUT OF HERE!"

"hmm is this microphone working?"

"no! it's on fucking VACATION!" jongho screams, continuing to fight the ties that held his hands together behind his back. his mouth turns down into a scowl, thrashing to try and get this damn blindfold off his head so he could see his surroundings.

"i guess it is."

if it wasn't obvious, jongho hates the dark. he hates that he's become so incapacitated with the inability to move freely and assess the area he was in. perhaps it was from all the time spent locked inside of a closet, jongho always wanted to be able to see where he was, establish his surroundings. all that darkness caused the hallucinations, and all the bad parts of his past to start inching its way out of the woodwork of his mind.

like an animal trapped behind the bars of a zoo, even if he was unable to see, he could feel someone's eyes baring into the back of his neck, searing holes as they stare pointedly at jongho specifically. as though grinning victoriously at the defenceless position jongho was in, knowing that he couldn't do anything to get out, knowing that he was completely out of control.

jongho takes in a shaky breath after realising there was no untying himself, despite multiple attempts at squeezing out of the handcuffs. he tries to use his superpowers, maybe one of his clones could help pull the blindfold off at least.

nothing happens, he can't feel himself duplicating.

he thinks to himself that this must've been what hongjoong had to go through when his own powers had seized to function properly. but that doesn't make much sense when they were both at incredible levels of mastery with their abilities. to them, using their powers was easy as walking.

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