𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧: meeting the one who can manipulate time too (?)

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"and that leaves you with the last member." jaemin directs at hongjoong who nods with a scrunched nose.

"we have a general area that has detected your mutant energy frequency. somewhere in jinju-si."

"and though we don't know of their exact location or face, we do know their name."

"park seonghwa."

hongjoong gasps slightly and let's his notebook fall open to the page with his scribbles, flicking the pages to his one drawing of the man he saw that night

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hongjoong gasps slightly and let's his notebook fall open to the page with his scribbles, flicking the pages to his one drawing of the man he saw that night.

"i-i had a dream the other day." he begins to explain, everyone else in the room already knowing that it definitely wasn't just a dream. "it was the end of the world, the beginning of an apocalypse and there was someone there called seonghwa. the... the quality of the drawing isn't the best, i know. but i feel like it could help."

"at this point, anything can help." jaemin acknowledges the drawing. "you have the toughest job, we know the least about seonghwa because even he doesn't know about his powers. at least wooyoung knows how to use his powers, knows that he's a mutant and is stuck in one location."

"so you're saying i have to basically look all over jinju for him?" hongjoong asks bewildered, not wanting to ask a bunch of random people if they've seen someone that looked like the drawing.

"i know it sounds like searching for a needle in a haystack but trust me when i say this, you will know when you see him. you'll feel it in your gut and he will too."

"you will know hongjoong." jeno reassures. "trust me."





hongjoong didn't know if it was considered cheating but looking into the future just seemed like the best way to locate seonghwa. and well, he wasn't in school. there wasn't such a thing as cheating. he was merely doing what had to be done, in the most efficient way he thought how.

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