𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧: sleep is for the weak

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"is he okay?" yunho asks worried, seeing seonghwa passed out in san's arms when the two return to the dormitory after about an hour of san being away.

"he will be. he just needs sleep. my enhanced condition has healed most of his bruises and helped with the fatigue... but i can only do so much. his body has to do the rest." san drapes seonghwa on an empty bed, the taller immediately sinking into the plush duvet and snuggling into the soft pillows. san brushes his fingers through his black hair. "he'll need two hours probably? of proper rest and some chocolate and then he should be fine after that."

"man that power replication comes in handy.. i wish we had it so we'd be healed quickly too." yunho was in the middle of stretching and doing some yoga to loosen his muscles. his arms and body were still pretty sore but he was used to it by now, some more special chocolate from the center and he would be fine by the next day.

"that's what i told him!" san laughs, only to be interrupted when hongjoong's door comes swinging open.

hongjoong emerges from his room, eyes darting back and forth as if he had just drunk too much coffee (which is definitely true considering the number of times he had returned to the kitchen with an empty mug.) hair completely frazzled and messy. he mutters groggily, "yunho wake everyone up."

taken completely off guard, yunho looks up from the lunge pose he was in with furrowed eyebrows. "what? no th—"

"did i ask?" hongjoong snaps back, clearly very agitated.

"hongjoong i—"

"i'm your leader yunho. just do it, what the fuck."

with a tense expression (more out of worry than anger though) yunho does as he is told. as though flipping a switch inside of their minds, he pulls all of the members out of their deep sleep, a chorus of groans coming from all of the rooms in an instant.

san takes a seat beside hongjoong on the couch.

"hey, are you ok—"

"alright! team meeting." he shouts, interrupting san and earning a collective whine from the 4 members who had just been awakened by yunho and his abilities. they all start crawling out of the wood works, all with obvious bed heads and bags under their eyes. they all sit down on the couch, trying to get comfortable but their overworked limbs and muscles needed more time to rest.

san hands each of them a few squares of chocolate as they slowly leave their rooms and find somewhere to sit. he gave more than what he'd usually but it was clear that they would all need the extra health boost, and could handle it too.

"seonghwa's still sleeping!" wooyoung whines, taking a pillow and shoving his face in it, clearly still drowsy wanting to go back to bed.

hongjoong glances at san who aggressively shakes his head. "seonghwa needs to rest—"

"i do too!" he argues back, bouncing to yunho, puppy eyed thinking it would convince the other to.

"the meeting can wait hongjoo—"

"no.. no it can't." hongjoong interrupts yunho.

"what's so important they can't res—"

"yunho! it can't wait." the leader butts in again, pushing the taller over the edge.

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