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THE FOLLOWING WEEKS WENT BY FAIRLY smoothly for Jasmine. Umbridge had been attending many lessons and assessing teachers, asking them awful questions in order to intimidate them. It was quite brutal really.

Umbridge had banned all student extracurricular activities, and even attempted to ban quidditch. Draco's father however, managed to pull some strings so that quidditch could still take place.

Things with Draco had stayed much the same for Jasmine, he was talking to her much more, he would sit with her sometimes in the library when they were alone. 

Something she still didn't take much notice of, was the stares that he was giving her, which were all the time. His grey eyes very rarely left her.

Jasmine had managed to get through the past few weeks with minimal Pansy Parkinson run ins. It seems that Theo's threats did the trick. Draco had managed to get her to leave him alone for a while too, so that wasn't much of an issue either. Not that Jasmine would ever admit it was an issue.

Professor Trelawny seemed to get the brunt of Umbridge's anger. Always interviewing her and asking questions that she couldn't answer.

It became very clear that Umbridge didn't like Professor Trelawny one afternoon when everyone was bustling towards the courtyard.

Jasmine and Hannah had just come out of potions, when everyone was rushing to see what was going on.

Jasmine grabbed Hannah's hand as she spotted her brother, Draco and Blaise also rushing to see what's going on. She dragged Hannah to her brother where she grabbed his arm.

"Whats going on?" Jasmine asked and he shrugged his shoulders, "something to do with professor Trelawny." He said and they all continued to the courtyard.

Once they arrived, many students had arrived as well, professor Trelawny stood with many of her belongings in the middle of the courtyard, Filch was bringing most of them outside from inside the castle.

Surely Umbridge didn't have the authority to banish Trelawny, Jasmine thought.

As they watched on at Trelawny, Umbridge walked out of the castle doors and towards the crying teacher, her heels clicking loud as she walked with purpose.

"16 years I've lived and taught here, Hogwarts is my home, you can't do this" Trelawny spoke, clearly upset. Her sad voice was enough to make Jasmine feel upset, as weird as the professor was, she was still a good teacher and deserved to stay, who would teach them divination?

"Actually, I can" Umbridge held up a peace of paper, which Jasmine assumed was one of her stupid educational decrees.

Just as she began to break down further, McGonagall rushed over and embraced the poor woman. Everyone know that McGonagall hated Umbridge.

"Something you'd like to say dear?" Umbridge asked, she was so evil, it was clear enough for everyone to see surely.

"Oh there are several things I would like to say!" McGonagall spoke, she was angry, and nobody liked to see an angry McGonagall.

Before Umbridge could respond, the doors to the castle opened, revealing Dumbledore, Jasmine gasped as she saw the headmaster rush to Trelawny's assistance.

"Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside." Dumbledore spoke loud, he was quite obviously angry.

McGonagall did just that, Jasmine's lips turned up into a small smile at the sight of her headmaster doing what was right.

"Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms of educational decree number 23 as enacted by the minister - " Umbridge began to defend herself but was quickly cut off by Dumbledore.

"you have the right to dismiss my teachers, you do not however have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster." Dumbledore said, completely dismissing whatever she was going to say

"for now" She really was a bitch, Jasmine thought.

Dumbledore turned around to walk back into the castle, before addressing the students that had gathered.

"Don't you all have studying to do?!" he shouted, causing everyone to disperse into separate directions.

"That was intense" Theo thought aloud, causing everyone to nod.

"where are you going now?" Hannah asked Jasmine whilst they were still stood with the Slytherin boys. "I was gonna go to the library" Jasmine replied, "I need to write an essay for herbology" she added, Hannah nodded in response "I'll come with you" She replied, linking her arm with Jasmines.

"we'll come with you" Theo said, causing Jasmine to roll her eyes as the boys followed her into the library.

They all sat down at a table in the back of the library, Draco sat next to her with Hannah opposite, Theo was sat at the head of the table with Blaise sat next to Hannah.

Jasmine and Hannah got their parchment out to write their essays whilst the boys were messing about, throwing things at each other.

"why did you want to come to the library if you weren't going to do any work" Jasmine asked after attempting to write a paragraph of her essay.

"to annoy you of course" Theo said, causing Jasmine to roll her eyes. Hannah however was doing a perfectly good job of blocking out Theo, Draco and Blaise, and carried on writing her essay no problem.

"Draco, what are you gonna do after this period?" Theo asked, Jasmine didn't have any lessons for the rest of the day so her ears perked up at this, she knew Draco didn't have any lessons.

"Nothing, was gonna go back to the common room, you?" Draco asked, his eyes met Jasmines for a brief second, Jasmine quickly looking back down to her work, not wanting to be caught staring at him.

"I've got Transfiguration" Theo grunted in distaste clearly not pleased.

As the period ended, Hannah followed Blaise and Theo to transfiguration whilst Jasmine and Draco left the library together.

Just as Jasmine was about to walk in the direction of the dungeons, Draco pulled her arm lightly to get her to walk in the opposite direction.

"where are we going?" Jasmine asked, very confused. This never happened. They always walked back to their common rooms. Jasmine's heart was now racing as she stared at the boy in front of her.

"I want to show you something"

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