Chapter 13. Don't Watch Me Cry

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I see Johnny walking away, and decide to go back in the cabin. I walk up to the cabin and I was about to open the door. But it got opened for me. " oh Soda! I-i didn't know you-..." for some reason i was super nervous. Soda looked down at me. And said. " where have you been for the past hour? I woke up and you weren't here." I look back at Soda pushing him out of the way entering the cabin. " i went for a walk." I sit on the couch staring at him closing the door.

When I passed him I could still smell the alcohol and cigarettes on him. Soda goes in to the kitchen. It has been a while but he starts to open cabinets and drawers. I then remembered I still have his pill bottle. I begin to walk over to him taking the pill bottle out of my back pocket clenching it with my hand. I walk up to Soda about 2 feet away.

I lift the pill bottle up and say to Soda.    " you looking for this?" Soda looks directly at me, and stays silent for a second. He then tries to grab It from my hand. " give it to me!" He grips my wrist and takes it out of my hand. He then quickly opened the bottle and almost seemed like he was chugging the pills. "Soda stop!" I hit the bottle and most pills didn't reach him. " what the hell is wrong with you?!"  Soda swallow the pills he already had in his mouth.

He then replied to me. " Brodi you won't understand!" He walks away but as he does he hits my shoulder. I turn to Soda and say " Actually I do understand! More than you. Its you! You will just never understand me!" I begin to cry while moving closer to Soda. " I have gone through so much! And everything that does happen is never good! I just want a normal life! I want to be a teenager again!"

Soda just stands there silent then begins to speak. "Brodi i-" I interrupt him and say in a rude, loud tone. " Fuck off!" I then leave the cabin running to the direction where Johnny was walking. I heard Soda behind me but his footsteps stopped. I continued to run till I reached a gas station. It was were Steve worked. But he wouldn't be there. He was watching Harlow.  I decided to stop at the gas station I look through the window, and I actually saw Steve.

I looked to my right and saw Johnny walking towards my direction. Instead of going to Steve I ran to Johnny. I stopped in front of Johnny breathing heavily. " brodi? What are you doing here?" I hug johnny almost making him fall. " whats this for?" He noticed im crying then hugs me back. " whats wrong?"

I continue to hug Johhny. Usually I don't hug people I just met. But Johnny was different. He understood. And we shared some things in common. Johnny wrapped his hands around my body which made me feel safe. I lift my head from Johnny's shoulder and say. "Just things" I wipe my tears and hold onto Johnny's hand.

No I did not have feeling for him. Neither did I with any of the other gang members. But Johnny and Steve i consider close friends. Maybe even Two-bit if he tried. I look at Johnny then back at the gas station. I then took my hand away from Johnny's. I'll see you later..

I Think I'm In Love Again : Sequel to (Jean Jacket)    14+Where stories live. Discover now