Chapter 26. Lying To Yourself

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~ December 3rd 1966 5:02 p.m. ~

Its been a little over 3 months since I've  seen Soda and 3 months since Pony died.  Everything seemed different. Over that time I kind of grew a thing for Steve. But I know its temporary. It usually is.

Steve, Johnny, and Two stayed at my house from that day forward. I kind of hated it, but i loved the company.

I now thought of my life as a sad story. I had Pony on my mind way too often than I should have. And ever since that day. I have thought about Dally more as well.

I felt so empty, and broken without them. I wanted to cry most days. But I would hold it in. I considered myself strong. But I wasn't sure anymore.

What I really wanted was to hear Pony's voice again. He was a fighter, and i know that. But the fight was too much for him. I knew he seemed different but I never thought anything of it. And me ignoring it...i- it haunts me everytime I close my eyes.

~ 5:30 p.m. ~

I was over on the couch, like I was waiting for something. I seemed nervous, but i was sad. Two walks over to me and sits next to me putting his arm around me. " Hey Brodi... are you okay ?"

I began to tear up. I looked at my hands then turned to Twobit trying to smile.    "I'm fine." He knew i wasn't okay. He placed my head on his shoulder while he hugged me. Pony and Dally were on my mind and I wanted to cry. Two understands me so he let me cry on him.

Whenever I wanted to cry. Steve, Jonny, or Two would be there for me. Sometimes even all three of them. They were the closest people I had to a family.

I heard Someone knock on the door. Two lets go of me and i begin to wipe my tears. Two was going to get the door but Steve came around the corner of the kitchen and went to the door first.

Two sat back down next to me. And I had this weird feeling in my stomach. No one really knocks on my door. I saw Johnny walk down the stairs with Harlow in his hands.

Once Steve opened the door Soda feel into the house. He had blood all over his shirt, and some on his face. It looked like he was exhausted and scared.

Steve stepped back from the door letting Soda try and get up. Johnny stood at the bottom of the staircase staring at Soda. Two stood up and walked to Soda 5 feet away.

I stood up slowly following Two behind him. I kept going further than Two and Stood right in front of Soda on the ground.

Soda started breathing heavily and started crying. He hit his fists against the floor and said. " I killed someone..."

Everybody stepped back from Soda, except me. I just leaned my head upward and closed my eyes. I took a deep inhale then an exhale. "Get out.."

Soda looks up at me in a confused way. " what?" I tried my best not to get mad.    "Leave Soda, get out of my house."

Soda was shocked but he tried to talk his way out of leaving. " Brodi..but i-"  I was getting impatient and raised my voice. " Leave!"

Steve looked at me intensely but I didn't care. Soda had trouble getting up and he finally got out the door. When i was closing the door I saw he left blood on the side of the door. When i closed the door i wanted to cry.

I placed my hand over my eyes and went over to Steve. I hugged Steve and he hugged me back. I tried to explain something to Steve. But words couldn't come out of my mouth...

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