Chapter Six

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He pushed the door opened, revealing his parents on the dinning eating. Making his way towards them, he greeted them with a salam.

"Brother Amir welcome back," his brother Siddiq said pulling the chair for him.  Amir sat down while his Mom thrust the food in front of him.

"Eat up," the woman said with a smile. Total silence was maintained as they eat their food only the sound of plate chattering could be heard. When they're done eating, he helps their Mom with washing the plates, he loves helping his mom. When he was a child, he used to wash plates and help his mom with the cooking. Yasmin stared at her son while he works in the kitchen. Her troublemaker son.

Siddiq came behind her. "Brother is doing the dishes again?" he asked Yasmin turned to her other son.

"Yes, why don't you go and help him" she ushered. All the while Amir didn't notice them standing behind him until he felt a presence by his side.

"Brother let me help you" Siddiq started, taking the bowl that was already halfway washed. Amir watched his brother in surprise. Siddiq is known as the bookworm, he barely gets out room his talk less of helping their mother, he let out a smile seeing this side of his brother. Siddiq is 16 years old, five years younger than Amir.

"Did my brother decided to stop being lazy" Amir pinch the bridge of his nose slightly. Siddiq pressed his face in a fake frown.

"You have started your trouble again like Aunt Zara right?" the boy said, arranging the plates in its rightful place. Talking of Zara, the event of today flashed in his mind, he chuckled remembering how they turned down the whole place with their paint battle. Fishing out his phone, he texted her.

'Hey besty, having a good rest?' The reply came in almost immediately.

'Don't even mention, every joint in my body are in pain right now and instead of Fawwaz to sympathize with me, he decided to tease me more' He remembered their little talk with Fawwaz the other time, how he acted when he asked about the reason he's not interested in having a girlfriend, at that time, he knew he has to step back, he might be the troublemaker as they said, but he knows his limits. He's not the type who gets angry at small things rather a  type who try to bring smiles to the faces of people around him. One of the things they have in common with Zara is how friendly they are, you'll hardly see them fight with someone unless that person did something inappropriate to them.

"Make sure you clean up the kitchen when you're done" he patted him on his back while he left the kitchen walking upstairs while replying to Zara.

"Amir" he heard his father's voice. Raising his head from the phone, his father was seated on the couch, with papers laid on the center table. He suddenly felt bad for not noticing his father. trekking to where the man is, he sat down beside his father, keeping the phone inside his pocket, making a mental note to reply to her later.

"Have you gone through the files I gave you the other day?" the father asked.

"Yes Dad, there's nothing you'll ask that I wouldn't give you the answer to" he stated proudly.

"Is that so?"

"Yes," he grinned.

"Okay, then my work will be easy. The meeting has been postponed to Tomorrow so get ready. I want you to prepare your best, you're going to meet a lot of people which I assumed, you read about them"  Amir listened while his father explained. To be honest, he's all nervous about the whole thing. Will he do well? What if he messes up?

"I have my full trust in you son, I'll leave this in your hands" he pointed to the papers laid on the center table. Rosing up from his sitting position.

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