Chapter Twenty One

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This chapter is dedicated to my favorite reader aru2019 Thank you for your immerse support 🤗


"And who gave you the right to say that?" A voice said. Their faces snapped towards the direction, seeing Fawwaz standing a slight of anger could be seen on his face. A sigh of relief escape Zara, Fawwaz is here to her rescue.

"Let go of her hand Amir, you clearly know it's inappropriate," Fawwaz said calmly but Zara knew he's holding himself back by how he's clenching and unclenching his jaw. Amir wasn't a bit moved by his words rather he tightens his hold more.

"What is your own business, oh I forgot you're now lovers," he remarked sarcastically. Fawwaz was taken aback by his words but decided not to show his surprise.

"Huh? You guys are so lovey-dovey back at the bakery. Even after coming back from Ma's house you still went ahead to spend some time alone again" he spits.

"Amir...." Zara started getting stopped by Amir's continuous words.

"See I'm right" he let out a chuckle. "Who knows what you guys did when alone-" a loud sound resonates through the hall.

"How dare you accuse us of such thing, Amir. Tell me who are you to say that? I can like and spend time with whoever I like, you don't have the audacity to question me" Zara stated, her body shaking from the new words of Amir. Now she's convinced that there is something wrong with him. How can he accuse her of such thing?

"Amir, I take you as a sensible and calm person but after saying this I don't know what to say again. I know you've been friends for a long time, it wasn't my intention to come between you two but you know what Allah will to happen will happen. You shouldn't let your anger take over you to commit something you'll regret later on" Zara watched as Fawwaz explained to Amir. To say she's surprised by his actions will be an understatement.

"You're saying all this because you like her I know it. You want to take her away from me-" He slammed his eyes shut and opened them again. "I knew it why must you fall for him, Zara? Why?" His words were now directed to her who stood on one position without moving an inch.
Zara tried to free her hand once again but Fawwaz's words stopped her on her tracks.

"You don't decide on who to fall in love with, your heart chooses. Like how your heart chooses to fall for Zara, the same goes to her" For some reason, Zara felt calm by his words. She hopes Amir will understand her.

"I'm really sorry Amir, I don't want us to fight because of a mere issue. Let's solve everything and get back to how we are-"

"No! No! No!" He yelled making both Zara and Fawwaz flinch. His changed expression scare Zara, he looked like a total different person.

He points his index finger on her with his now red eyes. "You call this mere issue Zara? Heck, this is a serious issue. You all wouldn't understand what I'm feeling now but I'll make myself clear I won't give up so easily Zara. I won't let him take you away from, that's my promise"

Before any of them could utter another word, he sprinted away leaving them dumbstruck. Zara's legs felt weak. She wobbles back and slouched down on the floor, her gaze lingers on the milky color tile. All the earlier events flashed through her head. What is happening? She muttered which didn't go unheard by a standing Fawwaz. Seeing Zara like this hurt him greatly. To be honest, he's was surprised by the stunt Amir pulled.

"I don't know how to explain it to him. It wasn't my intention to hurt him but seeing his reaction earlier I don't know what to think. It's all my fault" a sob escape her lips. His words kept ringing in her head. Fawwaz didn't know how to comfort her. It'll be inappropriate to touch her. Zara has become an important person in his life in a short amount of time. Some part of him liked the idea of Zara liking him and the other part made him guilty for what his heart is directing regarding her.

"No Zara it isn't your fault. You can't force yourself to like him, you have the right to like whoever you want to. So stop saying it's your fault" he was now crouched down to her level as he tried to comfort her.

Zara raised her red eyes boring them in his. "Do you know about it? The person I like?" She finds herself asking. For some reason she wants him to tell her how he feels about her.

"Um... Let's get down, they must be waiting for us" Fawwaz ushered changing the topic completely. Zara let out a sigh. Why can't he just answer her?

"Okay," she muttered. They descend downstairs. Much to their surprise, Amir was no more in sight. Sumayya was arranging the freshly baked croissant on the center table.

"Did something happen to Amir? He just left, I tried asking him but he didn't even glance my direction" Sumayya asked watching the two. Come to think of it, they forgot about her being In the house. Zara thought Sumayya is the girl he likes as she saw them countless times talking to each other.

"Nothing maybe he has an emergency at the office or such" She had to lie. She doesn't want to drag another person into the problem. "Now let's eat our delicacies before it turns cold" Fawwaz interjected trying to ease the silences that resonate in the room. Sumayya opened her mouth to say something but closed it again instead she let out a smile.

"Alright let me get the milkshake from the fridge, I know it would be cold by now" she ushered trekking to the kitchen. Zara's head was casted down, as she sat on the seat facing Fawwaz.

"Why didn't you tell Sumayya about it, don't you think she has to know?" Fawwaz started.

"I don't want to drag her into the problem. I know Amir, he's not someone to hold on for too long. We'll get back to normal soon" she forced out a smile. She hopes Amir will try to reason with her. Deep down she's having these insecurities. His demeanor earlier is something she has never seen before.

"And here's your milkshake" Sumayya spoke up placing a chocolate milkshake in front of her. Zara muttered thanks to her while taking a sip.

"It's tasty, I love it. Thank you" she said reaching for the croissant. They ate in silence. Zara was lost in her own thought not feeling the gaze of the two people on her.

"Are you okay Zara?" Sumayya said tapping her a bit which brought her back from her thought.

"Um... Yeah I'm okay"

"Assalamu Alaikum Aunt Yasmin"  Zara felt her heart escalate a bit hearing Fawwaz calling Aunt Yasmin. She hopes everything is okay.

"Insha Allah we will be there"

"What happened?" Zara finds herself asking, her beating heart didn't intensify.

"The family wants us to come to Aunt Yasmin's house right now. They'll all waiting for us"


Assalamu Alaikum,

How are y'all doing? Sorry for taking a lot of time to update. Actually, I've been very busy lately.

How was the chapter?

I hope you won't hate Amir for his actions😐

What do you think the family want to talk about?

Comments down your thoughts and I might give you guys another update🤗

And do tell me if you're enjoying the story so far 😐

What if I decided to take it down? What would be your reaction? I know you'll strangle me😁

Don't forget to vote and share❤


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