Chapter Twenty Seven

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Double update. Who's happy?💃

Not edited ( ignore the typos)


On their way back home, no words were spoken between them even though Fawwaz tried so many times to get a word from her mouth but she refused. Only heaving out a sigh every now and then. The car halted in front of Zara's house. He switched off the engine turning to her not liking the quietness from her.

"Talk to me Zara what is bothering you?" he questioned with concern evident on his face.

"Nothing I'm just tired" Fawwaz rakes his hands through his hair. He seriously doesn't understand her changed mood. He said he would talk to Amir, she said no and now she's giving him a cold treatment. He wants her to share her fears and problems with him but she isn't letting him in.

"Seriously Zara, can you stop bottling it up alone and tell me. I'm here for you. You will become my responsibility soon and I want us to be comfortable with each other. I love you and I can do whatever to fight for that love" he muttered the last part slowly. Only Allah knows what he's feeling inside. Zara has become an important aspect of his life. He's willing to do anything to claim his lover. To make her his.

"Zara talk to me please" he pleaded staring at her while her face was turned to the window.

"Please" he whispered again. Zara was holding herself not to cry but Fawwaz is talking in such a way that she has no choice than to listen to her heart. She turned over and their eyes meet. A moment of silence prevailed as they stared into each other's eyes. The tears Zara tried hard to maintain escape its way out of her eyes.

"I'm sorry for giving you a cold shoulder. I have so much in my mind. Why must things turn to this? Why is Amir behaving indifferently? I want us to stay as close as we are. The best of friends but he's not ready to understand. Why can't he understand that I love you Fawwaz? Why can't he understand my feelings? that my heart escalates only with you. I'm getting scared Fawwaz what if -" Zara choked at her own words. Fawwaz felt weak by her words. Indeed, her love is genuine. He sometimes has insecurities on what if Zara's feelings for him will change someday but now he knows. And he would make sure their love stays strong. The urge to hold her increase but he hold himself back. He's a practicing Muslim, he always tries to stay away from anything that is not permitted by Islam

"Listen to me, Zara. I know I've said it and I will still say it. I love you and day by day, my love increase more. I don't want you to have any negative thoughts about our relationship. Our love might not be strong now but I assure you we will make it strong. You're the woman I love and also want to spend the rest of my life with. Stop thinking about Amir's actions and words, I know everything will be normal again Insha Allah. Promise me you won't hide anything from me again. Your pain, your problem even a strand of your hair is important to me" A chuckle escapes Zara by his last statement and he finds himself smiling too. The thing he has been trying to get out of her since. Now he feels at ease seeing the carefree Zara is back. His Zara and soon to be wife Insha Allah.

"Promise me too that you also won't hide anything from me. even if it's a problem pertaining the office" Laugh erupt from Fawwaz lips.

"That will not be an issue as long as you'll solve the problem for me"

"Sure. You know I don't joke around when it comes to the people I love." she ushered unlocking the car door.

"Where are you going?" He inquired. Zara's brows knit in confusion.

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