Chapter Twenty Five

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It was 7:00 am in the morning, Zara woke up with excitement and that was due to their little talk with Fawwaz last night. All the bad event that occurred yesterday was replaced with the good conversation she had with him. Her only problem is how to tell her parent about it. Should she go and just tell them Fawwaz called me that he's ready to marry me. No Zara tell them with much calmness. Yes. She practically tells herself. Making sure everything she needs for work is well settled in her bag, she took one glance at herself in the mirror before descending down. Her mom and Majeed were seated at the dining eating breakfast but their father was not on sight. Maybe he left for work already. Though she's the daddy's 'girl but it will be much easier for her to tell their Mom. Besides, it will give her more strength in her fight with Aunt Yasmin. She knew her mom was shocked and not happy with the action Aunt Yasmin pulled yesterday. She also couldn't believe Aunt Yasmin will throw such words to her sister.

"Good Morning Mom" she greeted taking her seat close to Majeed.

"Good Morning Sister Zara" he chirped taking a spoon of cornflakes to his mouth.

"Morning my little brother. Eating cornflakes as usual" she pulled on his chin lightly. A plate of bread and fried egg was being pushed to her front by her mom. Due to how her parent always leave early for work, they eat their breakfast early.

"Thank you mom" she ushered. The woman nodded her head continuing eating her food. Silence prevailed as they eat their food quietly. Within five minutes horn altered through the room.

"Your school bus is here" Farah commenced removing the napkin around his neck. His school bag and lunch box were already set on the center table.

"Let me get it for you," Zara said making her way to the couch.

"Here" she helped him put on the bag on his back.

"Bye Mummy. Bye, Sister Zara" he wave rushing out as the horn didn't die down. Come to think of It, Zara misses school. She remembered how her Mom will get her ready early morning. Since she attended the same school with Amir. The driver will pick her up first before they pick him up. They will bicker up to their way to the school. Time sure moves fast. 

"Zara I want to talk to you" her mother's words brought her back from her childhood memories thinking. She did as she was told taking her seat beside her mom whose face was held in a serious expression, which means what she's about to say is important.

"Zara" she called

"Yes Mom"

"I want you to be honest and truthful to me. I'm your mother, you shouldn't hide anything from me. Do you love Fawwaz?" her heart did a flip. She knew her mom would talk about what occurred yesterday but she wasn't expecting her to ask about her feelings.

"Don't think because I said I will make sure you and Fawwaz get married. No, I want to know if what you really feel for him is genuine. I don't want to make a decision that we will regret later on." Zara places her hands on top of her mom's taking a deep breath. She has to tell her mom. To keep her at ease about their decision.

"Yes, I do. I love him. I'm not saying it out of mouth. No, it's truthfully and genuine. You know me so well. I also didn't know how it happened I just find myself drawn to him. We are not so close to each other like Amir but falling in love doesn't require you to be very close. Your heart chooses the person to fall for and my heart chooses Fawwaz. It wasn't my intention to hurt Amir. I didn't expect such thing to happen. I thought he will understand but-" the words choked in her throat when a sob escapes her. She doesn't even know why she's crying. Her body was pulled in by her mom.

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