Chapter Thirty

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Minal opened her mouth to answer her but it was as if her lip has been sealed together. Zara's question caught her off guard. She felt anger rise inside her by how Zara stood on her ground waiting for her to speak.

"Your silence means you do have a problem with our relationship. I knew you coming here is fishy" Zara leaps forward as she stood in front of a quivering Minal. Giving her one look, you will know she's hiding something and Zara is ready to uncover her truth.

"What do you mean I have something to do with your relationship?, I don't have anything against it. If you are even suspecting me then rest assured because I'm not that of kind person" Minal muster the courage to say hoping Zara would buy her lie. She cannot afford to get suspected when she has not even started executing her job. A smile made its way to the corner of her lips as she places her palms on Zara's shoulder with a weak look on her face.

"Believe me, Zara, I'm rooting for you two. Besides, we are friends right?" Zara's eyes didn't waver as she throws her one kind of look. She thinks she can deceive her with her fake act? Then two can play it. She will see how far she can go on with it. Her lips broke into a smile as she removes Minal's hands from her shoulder.

"You know, I've not thought of being friends but come to think of it now, it'll be fun being friends with you. You can help me with the wedding preparation, the shopping, and all. And I will be delighted if you will be my bridesmaid. You understand what I mean right?" the last word came out sarcastically. She could notice how her eyes widened slightly as she utters the words out which gives her cue to continue.

"I will leave my full trust in you. Pray for us that nothing will come between me and Fawwaz and that our love grows stronger. Hmm?" A staring contest of some seconds occurred between them before Zara's mom decided to interrupt them by her yelling.

"Excuse me," she said walking past her leaving Minal in a dumbstruck trance. What just happened she muttered out loud. Is her face that visible? Before Zara finds out about her plan, she has to start working on them. The corner of her lips twitches up. She won't give up easily. Not only Amir will benefit from it, she will also get what she wants. Going back inside, she was met with Zara talking to her mother.

"Mom don't worry I will handle it. Minal will help me; she has a good taste in fashion. Right, Minal?" Minal who was standing a few miles away, all eyes turned to her. Zara flashes her a wink indicating her to speak up

"Um...Yes, Aunt, I will help her" Minal said forcing out a smile.   

"See I told you she has a good taste and this will be the only thing I will take care of myself. You can do the rest." She confided slowly. Farah let out a short sigh.

"Why are you so stubborn Zara?"   

"Well, who did she take after?" Myrah chirped in.

"I hope you're not referring to me?" She questioned getting a shrug from her in return. Farah throws her a glare knowing who exactly Myrah means. Rising up from her sitting position, she carried her bag with a few other bags which Myrah packed the cookies and brownies for her.

"We will take our leave now. I will call you later after I've finalized everything with the lady. Insha Allah"

"Sure" They bade farewell. Minal offered to help Farah with her bag and stuff.

"Thank you dear" she ushered. Her eyes meet with Zara getting a smile in return. A smile that tells her otherwise.

The stuff was kept inside the boot in which Minal sat at the back while Zara sat at the front and Farah being the one driving.

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