Chapter Nine

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Everyone's face turned to the source of the voice and it was none other than Amir's father.

"Since they both have a thing for making trouble. Getting them married will be easier and they know each other so well" Zara felt her heart beat inside hearing the word marriage. it's not that she doesn't want to get married but not so early when she just started her career. And that to Amir? she glanced at him through her side-eye. She never once thought of getting married to Amir, I mean they're childhood best friend but it just doesn't fit in.

"That's a good idea Marwan, I'll take that into consideration," Jawad said. Zara's mouth opened to say something but closed it again, it feels like her mouth had been tied down.

"I'll be happy to get a troublemaker daughter in law like my son" Yasmin beckoned.

As the conversation was going on, meanwhile three hearts were in thinking each with their own situation


It was past eight when Zara decided to call it day. After discussing with Sumayya about going shopping together the next day. They got few customers today but Zara took that as the reason because the bakery just got inaugurated today. Getting weak isn't one of her things, she always has faith in whatever she's set to achieve.

"Please call me when you arrived safely at home" Zara ushered, she wanted to drop her at home but Sumayya insisted saying her house is not far from the bakery.

"Insha Allah. My regards to know" she winked. Zara passes her a dirty look realizing what she meant.

"My what?" she asked even though she knew exactly who she's speaking about.

"No I didn't say anything bye" before Zara could utter any more word, she sprinted away disappearing through a corner. She chuckles at the girl's words. Sumayya can be her own troublemaker too. Getting inside the car, she ignites the engine to life as she drove home. She drove quietly and slowly when she suddenly saw someone like Fawwaz. as she drove closer, her instinct was true. It was him, his car bonnet opened. Not getting out of the car, she blew a horn at him. Fawwaz's head snapped to the sound coming a few miles away from him, he recognizes the car at one glance.

"Alhamdulillah," he muttered. Closing the bonnet, he took his necessary things from the car as he made his way toward her car. Upon reaching, he placed his hands on the door handle but it didn't bulge. He knocked on the window. Zara clearly heard him but wanted to tease him a bit.

"Zara open the door," he said indicating to the door handle with his hands. A smile made its way to her lips while unlocking the door.

"What took you so long to unlock the door" he started hoping in.

"You should thank me, have I not passed here, you would've stayed the night all alone" Fawwaz didn't say anything only slip on his seat belt.

"Okay now you're quiet because you know I'm telling the truth" she let out with a proudness in her voice. Fawwaz closed his eyes and opened them again.

"Ya Allah Zara can't you drive quietly. And for your information my car got spoilt, I was about to call when I saw your car. Since we're both going to the same house what's the use of beating around the bush. And put on your seat belt" he ushered turning his face straight to the road.

"Whatever, you should thank me for that and I'm not putting on the seat belt"

"Suit you then. Wake me up when we arrive" he laid his head back on the headrest closing his eyes. Zara glanced at him through her shoulder his eyes now closed. She took a close look at him. She started from his eyebrows, he has thick black brows which are knitted slightly, and his nose which is not pointed rather a normal then his lips, his lower lips are pinkish with few stubbles laid underneath his jaw. Fawwaz is indeed handsome.

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