Chapter Fourteen

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"Do you mind having a late-night talk" he began. For some unknown reason, Zara finds herself smiling.

"Okay lead the way" she ushered. Leaving the kitchen, they made their way towards the balcony. Her mind wandered to his conversation with Minal she wonders what they talked about.

"So..." she started as they sat beside each other leaving enough space between them. "What do you want us to talk about?" she added. Fawwaz stared in thinking.

"We can talk about anything as far as it'll get my mind off things" he stated. Zara brows knitted in question.

"Things like what?"

"You know I left office without completing my work, so I was kind of feeling restless" he answered slowly. She likes how calm and serious Fawwaz is with things. All this while he's thinking about the office. What a serious man.

"Ma has already informed uncle Khalid, I know he'll take care of it so don't worry," Zara said in an assuring tone.

"By the way, I must say you enjoyed the stay here. I saw you talking with Minal earlier" Zara mentally scold herself for bringing it up. Curiosity is killing her. Fawwaz glanced at her through his shoulder.

"You think so?" he inquired.

"Of course the way you and Minal get along tells me you enjoyed the stay" Great Zara. Just great.

"Oh Minal, she's a nice girl" Zara resist the urge to roll her eyes. She has a bad feeling about the girl.

"I see. Now tell me a funny story" she said trying to change Minal's topic.

"What type of funny story?" Fawwaz asked.

"Anyone that will make me laugh" the corner of his lips twitches up.

"Are you ready?" he questioned getting a nod from her in return.

"Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful girl, the precious daughter to her parents. She has two cousins who are also her best friends. One is the troublemaker and the other is the quiet one. One day, the three cousins are watching a scary movie when-"

"Wait" Zara cut him off recognizing the story he's telling her. "If I'm not mistaken is this story about me?" she asked brows knitting.

"Why? you said it yourself that you want a funny story that will make you laugh and this is the only funny one I can think of right now. Just let me finish" Fawwaz folded his lips trying to compose himself not to burst out laughing.

"I knew it"

"The movie was so scary that-"

"Fawwaz don't you dare" she warned throwing a glare to his direction. Fawwaz broke into a fit of laughter. A serious one.

"Seriously Zara, I can't believe you peed your pant and it rolled down to Amir's body. I think I'll remind him tomorrow" his laughs didn't die down as he said it.

"Don't you dare and who caused it. You're the one who suggested we watch the movie. Just wait and see I'll get my revenge. Laugh as much as you want to" It seems like Zara added more fuel to his laugh as the laugh increases to the extent of Fawwaz clutching his stomach.

"Okay then keep laughing goodnight and don't talk to me tomorrow" she uttered rising up.

"Okay, I'm sorry I'll stop laughing, just stay for a while. I won't be able to sleep even if I went back inside," he stated in a serious tone.

"Why do I have a feeling there's something else bothering you," she said sitting back. Fawwaz turned his face to the other side.

"No nothing"

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