Chapter Twenty Nine

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This chapter is dedicated to team Fawwaz and Zara, I heart you all❤ Keep your supports coming🤗


Zara and her mom arrived at Myrah's house after stopping by a family friend house. By that time, Zara was already exhausted. She knew how her mom can be. Her visitation from one friend to another. She carried her bag from the backseat together with a few things they bought for Myrah. Shutting the back door, her mom was no more in sight. Which means she has already entered inside. Zara let out a weak breath. Today's going to be one long day for her not to talk of Minal's arrival. Earlier when they spoke on the phone, she just said okay not because she's really okay with it but by the way, her mom was excited about Minal coming to stay with them. By Allah, there's something about the girl she isn't convinced about. Her mind was focused on the thought up to her way towards the entrance door.

"You this girl, what took you so long to come in" Farah started. She was already seated at the couch comfortably. Legs crossed, sipping a milkshake.

"I was carrying the bags. Assalamu Alaikum Aunt" she greeted Myrah who was also sipping milkshake but her own is a strawberry flavor, whereas her mom own is chocolate flavor. Zara stationed the bags on the empty couch as she also made herself comfortable on the single couch.

"So Myrah what and what should we buy." Farah started taking out a pen and a notebook.

"We have to make a list. Furniture, kitchen appliances and all"

"We have a lot to do"

"Mom, no need to spend a lot. I want the wedding to be simple. A Walima with just few people. I don't want a lavishing wedding" Zara voiced. She wants to have a simple and private wedding which will consist of only family and friends. She doesn't want a wedding whereby they will be the talk of the town.

"You're my only daughter, we need to make this wedding the best" Fara insists.

"Let it be Farah. Her opinion matters the most. If she wants a simple wedding then so be it. Besides we will invite all our friends. So there's nothing to complain". Myrah explained. A giggle erupts from their mouth. They look like young teenagers. Seeing them discussing made a smile out of Zara's lips. Her family are trying their best to see them happy. She excused herself upstairs leaving the two with their endless discussion. She searches through Aunt Myrah's room for any book to read. She knows Aunt Myrah's has a thing for books. After much searching, she found one. Settling herself on the desk, she scribbles through the first page finding the book interesting, she adjusts her sitting position as she concentrates on reading. Her phone vibrates from the side indicating a message. At first, she ignored it but when it vibrates again, she let out a small sigh. Taking the phone off the desk, her eyes stopped at the message that was sent to her by Fawwaz.

Are you still in our house?

On my way back and Minal is with me.

She was supposed to feel happy for seeing him again instead she felt something like sadness. Why must today turn out like this. She type away replying with 'Okay'. Keeping the phone back down, she continued her reading.

*One hour later*

As Fawwaz informed, they came together with Minal holding her small duffel bag. Raising her head, their eyes met and Minal let out a smile which Zara find somehow annoying which made her not to return the smile back.

"Assalamu Alaikum" she greeted both Farah and Myrah who are still on their never-ending discussion. A smile made it way out of Farah's lips as she responds to her greetings.

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