Chapter Thirty One

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"What is this I'm seeing Amir?" Yasmin let out boring her eyes unto him. Amir removed the small towel wrapped around his head and plopped it on the one sitter couch. The look of shock was evident on her face as he walked towards her. Yasmin turned the screen around, which consist of the text message that was being sent.

"Amir, tell me it's not what I'm thinking. What do all the messages mean?" She didn't finish talking when another message came in.

We need to talk. Meet me at Flad's Café. We have to get this done once and for all

She read it out loud, her eyes widening more. "Ya Allah Amir, what are you trying to get yourself into," she remarked. Amir was left stunned. Why must they send him a message at this time? "Mom, I will explain" he started getting cut off by her.

"Explain what Amir? This message clearly shows you're up to something. Who is this M. Tell me? I hope-" her eyes widened more as something clicked in her head.

"Is this all because of Zara?" she asked pointing a finger at him. Amir finds himself letting out a sharp breath. He knew his mom has already found out and she won't back off until he tells her the truth. Before he could open his mouth to speak, she continues again.

"What problem are you trying to get you and your parent into? I came here to speak to you about this whole thing but seeing this." She gestured to the phone that was still in her hands.

"Seriously Amir, why can't you accept your destiny? Why can't you understand that Zara is not meant to be yours. I should've listened to your dad, for telling me not to always take your side on things. Now see the outcome. What kind of life do you want to venture for yourself? Tell me Amir" She slouched down on the bed as she places her head into her palms. Something triggers in his head as his mom utter the words. He could see the disappointment in her face as she saw the messages. He doesn't know how to describe it but something like realization dawn on him. What exactly is he trying to do?. He might love Zara, but he can't bear to see his parents hurt because the look on his mother's face tells him, she cannot believe her son will do that kind of act. Leaping forward, he squats beside her. Placing his palms on her shoulder, she lifted her head.

"Mom, I'm sorry" was the first word he musters up the courage to say. "I did that because I was angry. No one wants to take my side, so I thought if I break them apart; the marriage wouldn't be able to take place. I wanted her to be mine no one else but mom.." He stopped to inhale a deep breath. "It wasn't my intention to hurt you by it, I only wanted to break them apart and stop the marriage nothing else"

"Nothing else?" she repeated readjusting her sitting position. "Listen to me Amir, I'm your mother, It is a must for me to lead you through the right path. You won't gain anything by destroying what Allah destined to happen rather earn yourself a sin because when you die now, what will you tell your creator? And when you finally realized your mistake, it will be too late. So, Amir, I have only one piece of advice to you as your mother, Sabr is the key to any problem. You should have patience in Allah for he knows what is best for you. I know you love Zara genuinely but don't let your heart take over you. Let it go. The right woman will venture into your life Insha Allah" To say her words didn't send a shiver down his spine will be out of the word. What exactly is wrong with him? He is trying to separate them and destroy the family all because of love? Instead of him to accept it rather he is trying to spoil it. A yet another sharp breath escapes him. This isn't what he wants his life to be. He's glad his mom talk some sense into him. Her word of advice shot through every inch of his body.

"I don't know how to thank you mom for this word of advice. Indeed mothers are a blessing. Had it mean you're not here to lead me on the right path, only Allah knows what situation I would get myself into. Thank you so much Mom. Seeing Zara happy will make me happy too" A smile made it way to Yasmin's lips, she's glad he realized the mistake he was about to commit. She prays her son will remove Zara out of his heart. That is the only way she would feel at ease. Taking his hands into hers, she let out another smile.

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