Chapter Twenty Two

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Within fifteen minutes Zara and Fawwaz arrived at Aunt Yasmin's house. All the while, Zara was feeling restless, she hopes all is well. Pushing the door open, They were met with the family all seated. Her eyes immediately went to Amir, who was slouched on the floor, his head down.

"Assalamu Alaikum" Fawwaz started. All the faces snapped towards them. Amir's red eyes bored into hers, which result in her to tear her eyes away.

"Wa Alaikum salam. Come sit" Yasmin ushered. They did as they were told. Zara sat beside her mom while Fawwaz crouched down beside Amir. The whole room put up with silence again. By looking at their faces, you'll know something is wrong. All their faces were held in some kind of expression especially Yasmin, whose face was held in a frown.

"Um...Aunt is everything alright?" Zara decided to start a conversation. She felt her mother's hand on her arms and her eyes went to it.

"Zara do you like Amir?" Her head snapped towards Aunt Yasmin. She was caught off guard by this question. Why is she asking her this question? How did she know? Or did...? With her family around, how will she answer the question.

"Zara?" Her father's voice revibrates to her eardrums.


"Aunt...." To say she's nervous and surprised at the same time will be an understatement. She has never been this way before. What is about to happen to her?

"Amir told us everything Zara, but we want to know the answer from your mouth" She inhales a deep breath. You have to say it, Zara, to clear out the misunderstanding. Amir must hate her at the moment by the dirty look he's been giving her.


"I like her Mom" the voice belongs to none other than Fawwaz. The room went dead silent once again. Zara stared at him bug-eyed, her mouth hung open. She couldn't believe her ears. Fawwaz like her too?

"None of this is her fault. I was the one who came between-"

"No, he's lying. They planned this all along so that they wouldn't be blamed" Amir interjected.

"I'm telling the truth. You just didn't want to accept it that she doesn't like you. Let it go Amir" Fawwaz seethe. They're now in a standing position.

"I understand it's because you're now lovers that's why you're saying that you don't know what I'm going through deep down" He ushered back.

"I can understand -"

"No you wouldn't" Amir lunges towards him grabbing him by the collar.

"Don't you dare show your fake concern, you're saying it to take pity" he tightened his hold as the family tried to stop them but they are far ahead with their fights.

"Amir let him go," Yasmin remarked pulling Amir back but he lunges more.

"Do you take a look at yourself, what's so good about you that made her fall in love with you. You're always the good son among in the eye of the family and now you want to look good in front of them like always"

Zara's eyes watered up seeing the two fightings. And it's all because of her. She had to put an end to it.

"Enough!" She shouted and their action stopped immediately.

"Enough of this fight. You guys are talking about yourself but what about me. Do you thought of what I must be going through" abruptly, Amir realised his grip on Fawwaz collar.

"Yes I like him"

"I like Fawwaz but is it a crime to love someone. At first, I took your action as anger but what you said and did right now made me think otherwise. I'm starting to regret calling the two of us best friends because friends shouldn't treat each other like this. I'm really disappointed in you Amir" A sob escapes her as she stumbles back, her mother went to her aid just before she could fall down.

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