Chapter Seven

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Morning came faster than expected. Amir pace around the room continuously waiting for his father to come down as they’re leaving together. He’s eager to get it done and be free from the nervousness that was killing him. He remembered his mother’s words about believing in himself that he’ll do well, and it kind of gave him strength.

“Okay, let’s do this” he muttered breathing in and out. Just then, his father’s footsteps transpire from the stairs.

“Shall we son?” he said. Amir took in a sharp breathe once again before answering.

“Yes, Dad. Mom wish me well” he said to the woman who ambled behind her husband. She places a small kiss to his forehead while saying a prayer to him for Allah’s protection.

“May Allah protect you and brings success to you” Amir felt relieved for his Mother’s prayers. A sense of braveness shot through him. As long as Allah’s protection is with him, he’ll be afraid of nothing. They left the house, Amir being the person driving while his father sat at the passenger seat. Silence was maintained throughout the drive to AD hotels. Amir fished out his phone and sends a text to Zara that he’s on his way.
Thirty minutes later, their car came to a halt in front of the massive building AD hotels. He drove through the parking lot and parked in the spot that says CEO. Putting off the engine, he got out of the car and opened the door for his father.

“Thank You son”

Father and Son walked side by side towards the entrance. Everyone's attention was on them seeing the exact copy of their boss. Amir resembled his father while Siddiq has their father's body but his face is an exact copy as their mother. They received greetings on their way. Marwan kept a blank face although while Amir flashes smile to whoever he met on their way up. As they reached the last floor, Marwan ushered them towards the room where the meeting will behold.

“Are you ready?” the father asked. His mom’s word once again rang in his head, looking at his dad through his shoulder he nodded. The door was pushed open revealing people sitting across each other. All eyes now turned to them hearing the door being unlocked. Amir stood still to the ground seeing them standing upon his father’s arrival. He indicates him to take a seat while he walked to the far end of the room.

“Good Morning All, as we’re here again for another meeting, I want to introduce someone before the meeting starts. Amir” he called. Amir felt his heart radiate inside its drum, seeing how their attention is now on him. He walked slowly to where his Dad is standing. The man patted his back sensing his nervousness.

“This is Amir Abdallah. My son, and from today he’ll start working as the managing director of AD hotel” the room went silent as Marwan introduces his son.

“Good morning all as my father already explained, I’ll try my best and give the hotel my all to bring it to success. Thank you” his eyes dart to them as they shake their heads which means they’re pleased.


Zara woke up early as she's launching her bakery today. She took her time in the bathroom, the hot water soothing every joint in her body. She's glad Aunt Myrah's helped her with the massage, if not she wouldn't know what would've happened, especially when Fawwaz teases her to his heart content. If he finds out her body is still arching then things will be much worst. Wrapping a small towel around her wet hair, she cleaned out the excess water before drying it up with a hand dryer. She decided to wear a simple flower-patterned maxi dress matching it up with a matching hijab. She Descends downstairs not before taking the necessary things she needed. Making her way to the dining where the families are seated eating breakfast.

"Good Morning Aunt. Good morning uncle" she greeted them both, she turned to Fawwaz who was munching on his potatoes quietly offering him a smile, the one that he'll know she's all fine and strong.

"I heard that you're inaugurating your bakery today," Khalid said wiping off his lips.

"Yes Uncle, you should support me by passing the word around to your office partners about the bakery" She calmly said. Fawwaz muttered something under his breath which didn't go unnoticed by her.

"Did you say something Fawwaz?" she asked sarcasm dripping from her voice a little.

"No, I didn't. I was just wishing you good luck till we come for free food" Zara scowled. He said the same thing as Amir.

"That isn't happening, you guys will have to pay"

"It's true. That's the way to support her business" Myrah answered. Zara turned to him once again throwing him a wink.

"Alright, Fawwaz if you're done eating let's get going. we shouldn't be late, If you don't want people to talk bad about your father for coming late to the office" Khalid started.

"Yes uncle, make sure you give him a lot of work" Zara chuckle at her own words. She wishes to see his reaction but couldn't as his back was facing her while he made his way to the entrance.

"Aren't you going to bade farewell to your mom" she added, and he turned around with a look that shows he's holding himself back. Zara let out a victory smile, she's finally getting her revenge for messing up with her last night.

"See you later Mom" he muttered quickly walking out. His dad following behind him.

"Bye Fawwaz," she said a grin appearing on her lips. Now continuing eating her breakfast. She didn't eat much as the time was striking fast.

"Aunt I'll be on my way see you later" taking her bag she rushed out.

"All the best" Myrah reply though Zara has already left.


She reached there within fifteen-minute, taking the keys out of her bag she opened the door pushing it open.

"Welcome to Zara's bakery" she muttered while placing her hands on the hips, joy shot through her, now her dreams about opening up a bakery has finally come true.  She was about to make her way to the kitchen area when she heard someone call her name.


Turning around, her eyes widened in surprise seeing the person standing a few miles away from her. She wasn't expecting the person.


How was the chapter? I know short and boring🙂 Actually I wasn't feeling myself so I couldn't write a good one. Bear with me, I promise the next chapter will be better.

Who do you think is the guest? Comment down your thoughts. And do tell me if you're liking the story or not. I feel like it's not interesting 😔

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