Chapter Twenty Eight

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Not edited (ignore the errors😪)

It's been two days since the bakery incident. Zara didn't hear from Amir again. His texts. Though she was worried about his sudden silence that she had called Aunt Yasmin and she told her that he's fine just busy with office work. A smile made it way out of her lips seeing the name on her phone screen. Their bond has gotten stronger than before.

"Missing me already?" was the first word she uttered as she places the phone to her ear while resting her back on the bed rest. A chuckle made its way to her ears from the other end.

"What made you think that I'm missing you?" he questioned.

"Well, we spoke one hour ago and now you're calling again. Which means you're missing me already"

"Wow, you know me so well. You're right, I'm missing you and your voice already. I can't stop thinking about you even though I'm here with a pile of work in front of me" he stated in one of his husky voice that made Zara's heart did a flip. How can his voice be this attractive, she thought

"Don't blame me when Uncle scold you, because I have nothing to do with you slacking off with your work" A chuckle escapes his lips as he feels so relieved hearing her voice. "Well, you partake in me slacking off because you made me turn to a lovesick. I can't stop thinking about you" he confided.

"Fawwaz stop flattering me, please. You're saying it in such a way that my heart beat with each romantic words you utter out of your mouth" A sound emerges from the background followed by a voice.

"Who's that?" Zara couldn't help herself asking hearing a female voice from the other end.

"What a pleasant surprise Minal" she heard him say. Zara felt something tug inside her, hearing him utter the word Minal. What is she doing in his office?

"Fawwaz?" she called.

"It's Minal. I will call you later" before Zara could react, the call was disconnected. She stared at the phone for a good one minute, thinking of a reason why Minal came to Fawwaz's office. In the first place, what does she want?. By Allah, she doesn't like Minal's attitude. She remembered clearly how she stares at Fawwaz back at Ma's house and now she's here. She let out a weary breath. It's not like she's acting like a jealous girlfriend, but she can not help the curiosity rising inside her. The door was pulled open followed by her Mom looking radiant as always.

"Mom you look, Masha Allah. Are you going out?" she inquired placing her phone on the bedside drawer. Farah let out a smile remembering her plans. She decided to do things her way. After her visit to Yasmin's house with the motive to settle things, another problem occurs when Yasmin still doesn't want to give her consent for the marriage. Though she apologizes for her action but her decision is still valid which angers Farah more and she decided to do things her way. The sooner the better.

"Well, yes I'm going out and we are going together" she declared. Zara brows furrow in question.

"Where to Mom don't tell me your shop" Zara knew if she follows her mom to her clothing shop, she won't be able to have a peace of mind, because her Mom will turn her into one of her staffs moving around from one place to another.

"Nah, we are going to Myrah's house. We need to discuss about the wedding. I want it to take place within one week Insha Allah" Zara stared at her mom bogeyed.

"Mom did I just hear you say one week?. That's too close" she voiced.

"Nothing is too close. Besides, why will we take a long time preparing when both of you are ready and we are ready too. So I don't see a problem for it not to take place within one week. Now get ready let's go, Myrah is already waiting." Zara heaved out a sigh as she gets down the bed towards her wardrobe. Her mind wandered to Minal. Within one week, she would be Fawwaz's wife. She won't have to think about Minal. Her lips curved up. within one week she would be Mrs. Fawwaz. Just the thought excites her. Her little thoughts were cut short by her mom's faraway voice.

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