Chapter Thirty Six

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Where are Minal's fans😜 this chapter is for you peeps😁

After reading this chapter, I will be free from her problems 🤭 and y'all will be too😃

Not edited

"Thank you so much, Zara. I'm almost close to where Aunt sent me too. See you at home then"

"Insha Allah" Zara replied back pressing the end button.


"But don't you think she has some sort of plan." She ushered again.

"Don't worry. I am working for her and Amir decided to hire me by paying me a double amount. I'm working for Amir without her knowing. Her plan was me to pose as Raheela's boyfriend and when you do as she requested of you, then on our way to Raheela's place, I will threaten to hurt Raheela is you don't follow my orders. When you do, we will go to the deserted place where she would be waiting for us, and then she will hold you up so that you won't be able to attend the Walima. To cut things short, she wants to make sure you and Fawwaz's marriage wouldn't take place" The guy explained. Zara, Fawwaz, and Sumayya stared at the guy in surprise.

"What will she gain by doing that?" Sumayya uttered.

"Well because she wants Fawwaz so that tells why she's doing that?"

"What is all this?" Sumayya retorted again. To say Zara is shock will be an understatement. She did know that Minal has a problem with their relationship but why would she stoop to that level just to separate them.

"That means she wants to kidnap me right?" She finally muttered after keeping quiet for a while.

"Exactly. We have to act accordingly. We will go in your car and the rest will be following behind us. So we have no time to waste" Zara's eyes went to Raheela who was quiet all along.

"What of her?" She points to the not so strong girl.

"You have nothing to worry about she's with us. We just have to make sure she's safe and sound as you can see she's still weak" Zara let out a small okay.

Just as she turned to leave, Fawwaz called her name slowly that reaches her ear. His eyes held worry and hope in them.

'Be careful' he muttered and she replied back with an 'I will be back' and just that little gesture put both of their hearts at ease. Both went on their way, ready to put an end to Minal's acts.


"How long am I going to keep driving? We've been driving for like twenty minutes now. We have to get back home before ten and now it's almost 9:30" Zara ushered glancing at her phone screen.

"Drive some more, you see the corner there?" She nodded in answer.

"We are going to get in that corner. She just alerts me that she's already there" the guy explains. She doesn't even have time to ask his name as they were focused on getting to Minal.

"When we reach, make sure you put on a frightening expression"

"Worry not, I'm good at acting. We should just pray she won't get suspicious of us"

"Yeah". After five more minutes of driving, the car came to a halt in front of a clear space. No living soul could be seen in that place.

"Act up now. I will alert them when it's the right time to show themselves" Zara did as he requested her. He pulled out a knife.

"Fret not, it's just for show" Zara let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. knife is not an object to play with. They walk ahead through the deserted place that was eerily quiet stopping at a medium wooden crack door. He indicates with his eyes to open the door. If Zara has to be honest, then she wouldn't lie about her heart beating in its ribcage as she enters the not so bright room.

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