Chapter Twenty Three

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“We decided to get you two married. Zara and Fawwaz” Zara’s father announced. Both their faces snapped towards him with a shocking look on them.

“Yes you heard me right we’ve already discussed just wanted to know what you guys feel about each other and since both of you confessed what you feel for each other then so be it. And Amir, I’m sorry if this hurt you. We decided on it to avoid any fights in the future. I know you’ll understand. We don’t want to arrange a married whereby you two wouldn’t be happy in it…”

“No uncle, I disagree with this decision. How do you know that if we get married to each other, we wouldn’t be happy? I know Zara and I are very close we can make our marriage work. So please don’t take this decision” Amir interjected standing up.

“Please Mom tell them not to separate her from me. Please”  He walked up to his mom holding her hands. Zara felt guilty and sad at the same time. What kind of love does Amir has for her like this? His behavior is unusual.

“Calm down Amir it’s for the best” Aunt Yasmin ushered cupping his face with her palms.

“No mom. You people wouldn’t understand how I feel. Day and night, I always think about the day I’ll get married to the woman I love. And now that I finally confessed, you don’t want to understand me. Okay then, go ahead and take a decision but let me also take my own decision” He glanced at Zara with his bloodshot eyes back to Fawwaz.

“As long as I’m concerned, I won’t let this marriage take place. If I can’t have Zara then he will not” He spitted.

Before anyone could react to his words, he sprinted up. Yasmin was about to follow him when her husband held her arms.

“Let him be. I’ll talk to her later”

“What exactly is happening to my son” Yasmin slouched down on the sofa burying her head in her palms. Zara’s eyes are already in tears. She also didn’t know how to react to Amir’s statement.

“Please calm down sister, everything will be back to normal soon. I know Amir is behaving like this because he’s still young. Maybe he mistook their bond as love” Zara’s mother tried assuring her sister. But her next words shock her.

“What do you take my son for? A kid?” Yasmin throws harshly. Even with her behavior, Farah didn’t stop talking.

“No, don’t misunderstand me. Amir is like a son to me too. I wouldn't want something like this to happen to him”

“Well mind you, he’s my son not yours. So don’t pretend to love my son. Your daughter is to be blamed for everything. She broke my son’s heart and now she wants to get married to another. You guys don’t care about him, you just follow what your daughter want. Sis Farah, you know what marriage means. You went through a lot in your marriage. So I advice you, don’t let what you went through happen to your daughter too because I can-”

“Enough!” A loud voice resonates through the living room which result her to halt in her talking.

“Enough, Yasmin. Just because you feel hurt about your son shouldn’t give you the right to insult my wife. We are trying to solve a problem and you’re adding more problems" Jawad remarked.

“I’m warning you Yasmin. I respect you but don’t let my respect for you to change” To say Farah was surprised about her sister's sudden change of behavior will be an understatement. Her own sister that was supposed to be on her side is throwing insult on her because of a son. She stared at Yasmin for a good two minutes. The expression on her face was priceless. She would deny it if someone tells her that her very own sister will talk rudely to her one day. She leap forward getting a hold from Myrah but being in the utter shock she was in, she knew she wouldn’t be able to stop herself.

“Farah” her husband called but she was already standing in front of Yasmin whose face was held in a frown. The next thing Yasmin felt is something cold shot through her chin. Not only Yasmin was surprised, all the rest of the families were also surprised. Yasmin held her chin as she stared at her sister wide-eyed.

“You…slapped me?” she muttered disbelievingly getting a nod from her angry sister in return. 

“How dare you talk to me like that”

“Huh? Yasmin, even in my wildest dream, I’ve never for once thought a day will come when my very own sister will talk like this to me. I always thought you’ll take my side no matter the circumstance because we are sisters. I know Amir is your son and I think of him like my son too but I didn’t know you’ll be angry at my words. Why blame my daughter? Liking someone or loving someone is not by force. You shouldn’t force yourself on someone who doesn’t like you back. You and I both know that. Mother always advice us to do what is right but I feel like you are lagging off” Farah let out a sigh snapping her eyes shut.

“I know what you said is true but shouldn’t you consider my son’s feelings. All he ever did was love her, is that a crime? To love someone?” she ushered in a not so clear voice.

“I understand what you mean. But Yasmin what do you want us to do, Zara like Fawwaz and he like her back too, whereas Amir like Zara and she doesn’t. Which one do you think is better? A marriage between two lovers or one sided love. Think about it” Farah let out a sigh once again when Yasmin didn’t answer her. She hopes her dear sister will understand what is right.

“I’m sorry to meddle but as you know my son is also involved in this. Our relationship shouldn’t sever just because of this. Yasmin, Farah is your sister what you said to her is something I too didn’t expect from you. We know you love Amir but think about the three lives here. Let’s say we decided to get them married. Do you think they would  be happy? Will Amir be happy if his wife whom he loved didn’t love him back. I know, some start developing feelings after marriage but this is different” Myrah reached to touch Yasmin but she moved back raising her hands up.

“I’m really fed up with this preaching’s. You guys can say whatever you want to say but I won’t let my son be ruined. I won’t let this marriage take place” She remarked.

“Yasmin!” her husband shouted.

“Yes Marwan you heard me right, if you’re not going to take action then I will” she replied to her husband. Farah stare at her sister. It seems Yasmin is still not convinced by their explanations

“Alright then since you insist. Then it’s time for a mother to fight for her children. Myrah” Farah called.

“Yes Farah”

“It’s time for us to fight for our children’s happiness. Are you with me?” she offered her hand her eyes still on her sister.

“If she insist on stopping the marriage then we will do our best to see the marriage happen”

“Insha Allah” Myrah answered placing her hands on Farah outstretched ones. The three husband glanced at each other. It seems they have to get themselves ready and watch their wives battle.

Assalamu Alaikum,

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And now the mother's will be at war to for their children's happiness. Who will win? The one who want the marriage to take place or the one who doesn't?

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