Chapter Thirty Five

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The next morning,

Walima day.

Zara woke up early in the morning and did her morning routine since she would be going to the hospital in place of Minal. Talking or Minal, last night after she's done talking with Fawwaz she came back and found her whispering on the phone which she immediately hung up when she sees her. Zara just shakes her head because she knew Minal is definitely hiding something and to even think Zara knows nothing, she agreed to also play her part in knowing nothing. She would see for herself what Minal is up to.

Rubbing the excess water off her hair, she used her mini hand dryer to dry off the hair.

"Good morning, Zara" Minal started from beside her. A yawn escaping her.

"Morning Minal. How was your night? I hope you slept well?" Her voice came out in such a way that shows she's differently talking about the phone call last night. Minal keeps silence for a while before letting a smile out of her mouth.

"Alhamdulillah. Fine. Are you getting ready for the hospital already? " She hummed in return.

"Yeah, I will stop by Sumayya's place and we will go there together, come back here for the henna and prepare for the Walima" Something flashed across Minal's face which Zara caught a glimpse of from the corner of her eyes.

"Alright then, let me also go and freshen up so that I will go for the errand" she get out of the bed and made her way to the bathroom. Zara watches her disappearing figure. Making sure she heard the water running, she quickly trekked towards the bed rummaging through the sheets but found nothing. She stared at the bathroom door. Which means Minal went with her phone to the bathroom. She knew the girl must be hiding something. She knew it when she said she has a problem with her and very soon she would find out.

"Mom, I will be going to Sumayya's place" Zara announced to her mother, who was busy instructing the guy that was decorating the surrounding.

"Why? I thought she's coming here later" The woman ushered turning her attention onto her daughter. Zara took in a breath.

"Yes, mom, but change of plans. Actually, I want to stop by somewhere near her place so I decided to just pick her up"

"Okay, come back soon. You know the henna artist will be coming by 10am and the Walima starts after Zuhr prayers so make sure you come back before 10am" Her mother instructs.

"Insha Allah". Getting out of the entrance door, she glanced back at the house up to her room window. Maybe Minal is watching her from there. She thinks she can fool her then she would see to it who will be the fool among them. Igniting the engine to life, she drove away. Just then a call came through her phone.

"Assalamu Alaikum. As you said, she looks suspicious. She took her phone to the bathroom, so I couldn't get a hold of it"

"That is actually good she won't have to know that you are suspecting her" the unknown voice came from the other end.

"What will I do now? Should I go to the hospital or stop by my friend's place first?"

"No you should pick up your friend then heed to the hospital. I will alert my boss, so that we can meet up there. We have to catch her red handed" Zara's brows were knitted in curiosity. Just yesterday she received a call from an unknown telling her about Minal. That she should be careful with her. When she tried to ask who he is, he just answered with 'Very soon you will know me' and now he's talking about his boss.

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