Chapter Nineteen

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The living room was quiet as they watch the movie playing on the large flat LCD placed on the wall. Zara was just staring at the TV but her mind was completely zoned out and that didn't go unnoticed by Fawwaz who kept peeping at her every now and then. He knew exactly what she's thinking about but he couldn't bring himself to ask her about it. In fact, what will he say? That she should accept or reject Amir. He heard her sigh continuously.

"Are you okay? You've been zoning off since" he decided to ask. Zara's eyes widen for a split second as if she doesn't know when the action occurred.

"Um... Yes, I'm okay" she ushered with a smile. Fawwaz brows knitted in a questioning manner. He fished out his phone that was vibrating from his pocket without taking his eyes off her.

"Your expression right now doesn't look like someone who is okay. I know you're still thinking about last night..." Zara stared at him. Which means he has been looking at her all this while. She felt a tinge of blush crept to her cheeks as she thought of their little talk earlier.

"Minal?" Zara's head snapped to him hearing him utter the name Minal. Why is she calling Fawwaz? And what does she want? All of her questions were answered when he spoke up again. "How are you? And Ma?" She listened intently as he talks to Minal. How she wish she could hear what Minal is saying.

"Thank you for the call Insha Allah I'll be expecting you"   expecting her where? Zara's mind asked. Fawwaz hung up dropping the phone beside him.

"Is that Minal?" She finds herself asking even though she knew it was her. Fawwaz hummed in return.

"What did she say?" She asked again. Great Zara!

"Just called to know how we're doing and that she'd be visiting in two days" Fawwaz shrugged as if it's nothing big but for Zara it is. Her heart is rising up with anger. And the fact that Fawwaz isn't a bit bothered worsen the matter. She really doesn't understand him, what he's thinking. How would she know what he feels about her? Just the mere thought sent nervousness down her body.

"Why would she visit?" She blurted out before she could have control of her mouth. She could see that he was taken aback by her words but she couldn't care less. It's the truth, what is she coming here for. To flirt with Fawwaz more as she did back then? Then she isn't going to let that happen.

"Do you have any problem with that?" He asked folding his arms across his chest. Zara bites her bottom lips in frustration. He even dares to ask her can't he see the expression on her face. He read her face earlier why can't he now.

"No I don't but I feel like she wants to come so that she could flirt with you the way-" she placed her palms on her mouth realizing what she just uttered. She lightly smacks her lips for blurting gibberish. Now, what will he think of her? A jealous woman, who doesn't want any other woman close to him.

"Wow I didn't know my dear cousin is bothered by the women I associate myself with" he uttered a smirk appearing on his lip.

Zara passed him a dirty glare. "Bothered? It's your life, you can fall for whoever you want, and like whoever you want"

"Do I sense something like jealousy in your words?" He spoke up again with a glint of a smile. The one she knew so well. Zara rose from her sitting position, knowing if they spend another minute her confidence would will out and she's not ready to bear the consequences yet.

"Um... I need to use the restroom" she said as she started making her way up. Her foot stopped on its track by Fawwaz's words.

"The person in your heart, who is he?"

Zara couldn't move or turn she was surprised by his words. Did he know about it?

"What of you? Do you like Minal?" She asked with her back still facing him. She doesn't know why she asked maybe because his conversation with Minal had been echoing in her mind.

"Perhaps-" before he could complete his sentence, the doorbell rang. Zara heaved out a sigh. Whoever rang the bell, she'll surely thank that person for saving her in the awkward situation she was in at the moment.

"Let me get the door," she said sprinting away. Unlocking the door, she was met with the presence of Amir and Sumayya both with a smile on their faces.

"What are you guys doing here?" She started ushering them in.

"What else, to spend the weekend with you guys" Amir coed. Zara forced out a smile. It is not like she's not happy about their visit but how she will act around Amir now. After his confession last night, she couldn't look him in the eye.

"Yeah, we decided to pay you guys a visit and enjoy the weekend. Splendid idea right" Sumayya interjected. "I also brought some few ingredients. We can bake something while we chill in" she added walking pass a mouth agape Zara. Today is going to be a long day. She muttered to herself before following behind Sumayya who was already seated on the couch. Amir too.

"Fawwaz can we speak for a moment," she said fidgeting with her fingers. Her eyes dart to Amir, she saw something flashed across his face. Anger.

"Sure" they walked to the distant end, away from the two.

"Tell me" Fawwaz started.

"Um... Sumayya and I are going to use the kitchen. Is it okay? You know Aunt-"

"Why asking, we're family so you're free to use whatever you want to. This is your house " he replied back. Zara felt her heart radiate a bit. Why does she feel like there's a meaning behind his words.

"Alright then" they went back to the two. Amir's attention was on his phone.

"So you guys should chat or watch something while we go bake the delicacies" Zara cheered. Amir raised his eyes from the phone setting it on Zara. Her lips form a thin line. She felt a bit off by the look he's giving her.

"Sumayya you can take the ingredients to the kitchen while I go get the apron from the room" she ushered making her way upstairs.

"Sure dear" she applauds and did as she was told sprinting to the kitchen.

Zara made her way to Aunt Myrah's room. She remembered seeing a pair of apron in her closet. She muttered a salam before entering the room and glided to the closet. The apron wasn't hard to find. A smile made its way to her lips. Closing the room behind her, she spots Amir coming to her way.

"Amir" she commenced. Amir stood in front of her hands stuffed inside the pocket.

"Zara, I'm getting impatient already I want to hear your answer. Will you give me the pleasure to date you" Zara stared at Amir with a surprising look. To say she was short of words will be an understatement. His words caught her off guard. She watched as Amir stood waiting for her answer with a smile on his face.

Assalamu Alaikum,

How was the chapter? Yah, I know filler chapter 😔 What do you think Zara will say to Amir? Will she accept his feeling or it'll be the other way round.

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