Chapter Thirteen

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Not edited.

"Stop right there"

Their faces turned towards the voice seeing Amir holding his knees panting.

"Amir" Fawwaz began.

"What are you doing here?" Zara added walking to him. Amir places his palms on his speeding heart.

"I saw you two driving off and I ask Sumayya she told me you talked about going to someplace. When I followed behind you I found out that you're coming to Ma place. So you guys left leaving me behind right?" he said with a fake frown. Zara was about to answer him when Fawwaz beat her to it.

"We came to deliver something to her beside don't you have work to do at the office" Amir's eyes widened for a split second before masking it with a smile.

"What work? I'm the head so I can leave whenever I feel like by the way I miss Ma" he ushered walking pass them. Both of them turned their head at the same time. Zara shrugged her shoulder.

As they follow behind Amir, they found the door already open followed by Ma's voice laughing. Zara resists the urge to roll her eyes, so he decided to start making trouble right away.

"Oh, my what a pleasant visit my kids," Ma said cheerfully. The woman has come to a certain age but she's still beautiful as always.

"Assalamu Alaikum Ma" Fawwaz greeted while Zara hugged the woman.

"Ma I'm finally here, I missed you so much" The woman patted her back.

"I missed you too. How are you all doing" Both answer with Alhamdulillah?

"So what really got into you today that you decided to pay the old woman a visit," She said after the pleasantries ended.

"Actually, There was a package for you and Dad request that I deliver it to you personally so we decided to come together," Fawwaz said glancing at Amir with a glare. Amir winks back at him to show that he's not bothered.

"Your families are still taking care of me even though I'm not working for them anymore. May Allah continue to bless you and your family" The woman prayed wiping off the lone tear that fell from her eyes.

"Oh, Ma don't cry we're all here for you" Zara embraces her once again getting emotional. Ma is an important person in her life.

"Since we've seen each other, we shall be on our way" Fawwaz started rising up from his sitting position.

"You guys aren't going anywhere, you'll spend the night here. After seeing you guys for a long time I can't let you go easily. And don't worry I'll call your parents and let them know. I know they won't bother" Zara didn't mind spending time with her Ma.

"Alright then. Do you have any unfinished work I'll do it for you right away" Zara spoke up making her way towards Ma's bedroom. She was about to pull the door handle when someone pulled it open. Zara's eyes met with a lady. She's a bit taller than her and also has fair skin. Zara stared at the lady in front of her dressed in a long-sleeve gown with a white hijab on her head.

"You are?" Zara began.

"Oh, Minal. She's my Cousin back in. Come minal" Ma ushered. Zara watched as the girl walked majestically toward them.

"Fawwaz and Amir this is minal my cousin and Minal they're the children of the people I told you about working for them." Ma let out.

"Assalamu Alaikum" Minal greeted with her baby-like voice.

"Wa Alaikum salam Minal nice meeting you," Amir said with his usual smiley face. While Fawwaz being the matured one nodded his head.

"Ma told me a lot about your family. it's a pleasure to finally meet you" her eyes linger on Fawwaz which didn't go unnoticed by Zara. She just met the girl few minutes ago but she has a feeling they won't get along.

Later at night

"Thank you Sumayya you owe me one. See you tomorrow" Zara decided to call Sumayya and informed her about not coming back. She trusts Sumayya capabilities, she can take care of the bakery while she's away. She exhales out a sharp breath. Now she can rest assured. Turning around, she spotted Fawwaz and Minal seated on the balcony, minal saying something to him. Zara couldn't understand the girl. Earlier she was with Amir and now she's here with Fawwaz. Her eyes were on her ever since and she noticed how she glances at Fawwaz every now and then. What is she up to? Her eyes went to them once again seeing Fawwaz laughing to something Minal said. Zara felt something tuck at her, she's not someone who bothers herself by unnecessary things but she's not liking Minal and Fawwaz together and the fact that he's also playing along with her made Zara angry. A hiss resonates out of her lips. Why did it bother her, he can talk and laugh to whoever he wants to. Rolling her eyes she walked to Ma room. The woman is already in bed.

"Are you sleeping Ma" she uttered sitting down beside the woman.

"I'm about to my daughter. Thank you so much for visiting. it really means a lot to me"

"No need to thank us we're your family" suddenly the door burst open followed by a grinning Minal. Zara finds herself rolling her eyes.

"Minal are you okay? what is making you laugh in this night" Ma asked.

"I'm okay. Fawwaz told me a funny story which I can't help but to laugh" she replied Amidst laugh. Fawwaz again? So he told Minal a funny story which he never for once told her.

"Really? Fawwaz is a nice man. He's always the quiet one among the two" Ma uttered reminiscing old memories.

"Excuse me aunt let me make a few calls to my friend" Zara left the room not before taking one look at Minal whose face was held in a smile.

Closing the door behind her, she let out another hiss. Minal is really getting on her nerves this night.

"Still up?" she heard his voice. Earlier events flashed in her mind. He was all smiling but now he's back to normal. Zara hummed while walking pass him to the kitchen. The need to drink cold water suddenly overcome her

"I'm having trouble sleeping and Amir snores is making it worst" Then go and tell Minal that. Zara wanted to say but she knew it will only lead to some misunderstanding.

"Oh, Amir is a heavy sleeper. Don't be surprised, he won't stir a bit. He sleeps like a corpse" A chuckle escape her lips.

"Yeah, I agree" A moment of silence fell on them. Zara holding the cup of water not knowing what to do while Fawwaz stood by the kitchen door arms folded.

"Um... I think I'll retire for the night" Zara started easing the uncomfortable silence. She reached for the door but Fawwaz isn't moving. Zara raised her face, her eyes meeting with his. It feels like they're the only once in the house, no words could be heard only the heart of two people beating in its drum. Fawwaz was the first to tear his eyes away while Zara's face was cast down.

"Do you mind having a late-night talk" He began.

Sorry for not updating for a while.

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I know boring 😔

I'm not feeling myself today, so I don't have much to say.

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