Chapter Eight

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"Amir? what are you doing here, I thought you left for work" she didn't expect to see him here, as she received a message from him not less than one hour ago. He walked majestically through the place with hands stuffed in the pocket. "You know I'm the boss now, I can leave whenever I want to. Aren't you happy to see me" Zara stared at him mouth agape as he scanned the whole place with a sense of someone who's in charge.

"Of course, I'm happy because you'll be my waiter for the day"

"What?" he turned around wide-eyed "Can't you see I'm a busy man" he let out, adjusting his tie.

"Oh is that so?" an amused smile dangled at the corner of her lips as she folded her hands across the chest.

"I think I'll get going, my Secretary will call me anytime now" she watched as he sauntered to the door. She has to stop him, he's the only one that can help her now before she gets new employees. An idea suddenly popped up

"Okay, I'll give you free food for the whole week" Seriously Zara, she mentally scolds herself. She plans on saying two days but her mouth blurted it out before she could control it.

"Am I hearing things?" he said with his back facing her.

"No you're feeling things, if you're ready then and if you're not then bye" she turned and was about to leave when he stopped her.

"Wait Zara" she ignored him.

"I'll help you then" he muttered which didn't go unheard by her. A smile gets it's way to her lips as she watches his expression like someone who doesn't have a choice.

"Alright then, Let's start" Amir stared at her without moving.

"What again? Or do you want me to piggyback you" she ushered brushing away the strand of hair that threatens to reveal itself from her hijab. Amir stared at her in you're not serious.

"You and I both know it's haram,  you're not my Muharrem"

"I know I'm just joking and besides I can't carry you. You look so fat and tall"

"That's why you shouldn't underestimate the power of what I'm capable of" Amir announced proudly. Zara rolled her eyes at his words.

"Whatever, Now let's-" her eyes went behind him seeing Sumayya entering through the door.

"Sumayya" she called. Amir's head snapped to the lady. She flashed him a smile and he finds himself smiling back.

"I'm glad you came, I was about to call you" Sumayya lips forms an 'O'

"Remember you told me today is the opening of the bakery so here I am" she set her bag on the table with flower vase positioned at the center.

"Wow what a good memory you have. Thanks for coming"

"It's okay. Now, what should we start with?" Sumayya said excitedly.  Zara felt happy that she got someone to help her, unlike the someone whom she had to bribe before he agrees to help her. Though she tried calling Manal but her father being a strict man, doesn't let her go out freely until it's necessary.

Zara slouched herself on the seat facing Sumayya. She took out a notebook and pen, clapping her hands together.

"First of all, we should start with the menu. What are the things we'll put in the menu" Sumayya commenced placing her joined palms on the table.

"There should be Cookies, cheesecake, brownies, croissants....." Amir watched them as they go on and on, he doesn't even know some of the names. Their boring discussion is making him sleepy. And for the fact that he doesn't have a bit of idea about the whole thing is even worst. But since it has to do with Zara, his best friend, then he'll help her in any possible way he could. A yawn escapes his lips. He didn't get enough sleep because of the meeting. He was delighted, the shareholders are satisfied with him and he promised to work hard and bring the hotel to more success and make his father proud.

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