Chapter Fifteen

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Not edited (ignore the typos😪)

"Fawwaz can you drop us at Zara's bakery" Amir started after a moment of silence was maintained. Zara's eyes snapped to him

"Aren't you going back to the office direct?" she asked. Amir strokes the back of his head. "I want to eat at the bakery first before going back" he stated calmly. Zara watched him with a curious look. It seems like something is up with Amir seeing how his expression changed from playful to serious.

"Alright then. What of you Fawwaz I know your mind is on your unfinished work back at the office" she asked him as she fished her phone out of the bag, switching on her mobile data while she checks on some few messages.

"Actually, I'm starving too, we'll eat then go back to our respective places" Amir nodded flashing Fawwaz a smile. Zara's eye dart to the two. Her two cousins can be something else.

"But don't blame me when your fathers lash at you later on" she warned.

"Worry not that wouldn't happen" Amir declared. Zara rolled her eyes at him as she continues pressing on her phone.


"Yes father, everything is okay. Zara is already on her way back. Ameen. Bye," Sumayya hung up after having a little chat with her father. He's out of the country, so now she's the only one staying at the house. Growing up with her father as her only support is something Sumayya will forever be grateful for. She's the only child to her parents. After her mom passed away, things started falling apart. The death of her mother was so sudden that it shatters her father, the man loves his wife so much. But together, they stood strong and brave. Sumayya thought her life would not be the same afterward but meeting Zara started changing how she thinks of herself. She respects Amir, even though he's the troublemaker as they call him and Zara. The first time she met them, she was attracted to Amir immediately but after their conversation that day, she decided it's best for her to step back before she went deep.


It was an early morning, Sumayya arrived at the bakery since their house is more closeby Zara gave her a spare key. Sumayya unlocked the door and was about to enter when she heard her name being called. Turning around, she was met with a smiling Amir.

"Assalamu Alaikum" she greeted. Amir slouched down on the nearest bench inhaling a sharp breath.

"Are you okay?" She finds herself asking.

"Yeah..." He started then stopped turning to her.

"Can I ask you something?" He inquired. Sumayya's brows furrowed in question as she sat on the bench too giving enough space between them.

"Tell me," she said

"There's this someone you feel so deeply for, even before knowing what love is. You love that person to the extent that you can't sleep without looking at that person's picture and also wake up with that person's thought. But the problem is you don't know how to tell her, every time you try to confess, something keeps dragging you back. Having negative thought if that person accepts your love or not" Sumayya listened as Amir explained to her.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure" he nodded.

"Do you really love that person? I mean to the extent that you can do anything for that person?" She asked folding her palms together, waiting for his answer.

"I would be lying if I say I don't. I don't even know how to explain it" he muttered placing a hand on his beating heart.

"Then tell her before it's too late"

"But will she accept?" Amir asked nervously.

"Come on Amir, If you don't tell her, how would you know what she feels. Maybe she's waiting for you to take a step first. And don't worry I'll help you if she dares reject a gentleman like you then I'll use my fist and blow on her face" A chuckle escape both of them.

End of flashback.

Sumayya let out a sigh, she hopes Amir will muster up the courage and tell the girl how he feels. At least she knows he has someone in his heart already, so she won't get her hopes up.

"Why are you sighing all alone" she heard a voice.

"Zara you're back," she said cheerfully hugging her.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I left you with a lot of work" she replied back patting her back.

"Assalamu Alaikum to you too Sumayya" Amir interjected as he sat beside Fawwaz who nodded his head in a greeting manner.

"Wa Alaikum salam to both of you. How was the trip?"

"Honestly, the trip was so good especially for Fawwaz" Zara bite her lips realizing what she just uttered. It seems she can't get what happened at Ma's house out of her head. Her eyes met with Fawwaz who was already looking at her. She immediately tore it away.

"Really? That nice" Sumayya remarked.

"Zara can you just package it for me, I have to go now" Fawwaz started. She knew it, Fawwaz wouldn't stay calm without him making sure all the office work is fine. A smile made it way out of her lips when she remembered something.

"Okay, I'll-"

"Package it for me too" Amir added. Zara rolled her eyes as she and Sumayya ventured to the kitchen. When out of sight, Amir turned to Fawwaz.

"Hey man, I hope Zara is not causing trouble for you and Aunt at home" the corner of Fawwaz's lips twitch up. He thoughts living together in one roof with Zara would be difficult but it's actually nice and comfortable. He enjoys her company. Yesterday events flashed in his mind. Having a normal conversation with her was something he didn't expect to happen but for some reason, he's enjoying every bit of time they're spending together.

"Fawwaz" he heard a faint voice of Zara calling him snapping him out of his reverie. They shared an eye lock and for some moments he felt something tuck at his heart which he couldn't quietly pinpoint.

"You said?" He inquired. Zara heaved out a breath. "Seriously, thinking about work again?"

"I'm sorry it's just that my mind can't keep calm knowing I have an unfinished work" he muttered.

"Then I have an idea," she said cheerfully.

"About what?"

"Don't worry follow me" she ushered as she made her way outside muttering 'Take care of the bakery for me' to Sumayya. Fawwaz brows wrinkled in confusion but he reluctantly followed her.

"I have a feeling these two are getting closer. They just got back and they're going out again" Sumayya said, not noticing the Changed expression of a certain person standing beside her.


A late-night update, who's happy?🙂

So how was the chapter? So now you got to see a little bit of Sumayya life and the conversation between her and Amir. Up till now we still didn't know about the girl Amir likes🤐

On the other hand, Zara and Fawwaz seem to be getting more closer and closer. What if......what if...🤔Let me just leave you thinking thinking😝😈

Okay, last thing I'm really heartbroken💔 The story is lacking vote😔 You guys should vote as you go on reading. I'll update when you shower this chapter with your votes and lovely comments😔

Till then bye❣


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