Chapter Thirty Seven

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The moment Zara and Sumayya entered the house, they were bombarded with glares and questions. Yasmin and Myrah are getting henna on their hands.

"You guys did well. I thought I informed you that the henna artist will come by 10 am now look at the time." Farah ushered peeping at her phone screen. Sumayya and Zara glanced at each other. They have decided on their way back home what to tell them.

"Actually mom, my car wheel got patched and it took time before the repair person arrived. I'm sorry". It seems the woman wasn't satisfied with their statements as she throws another glare in their direction.

"Didn't you see my missed call then? And where is Minal?" She asked again. Zara's eyes slightly widened. Why didn't they think of that? Fishing out the phone and scrolling through her call list, she saw the call from her mom 10 mins ago. She did call. Zara walked up to her mom and hugged her from behind.

"I'm sorry mom, I didn't notice. The phone was in silent mode. Besides, you have nothing to worry about now we are back. Safe and sound. And Something urgent came up for her so she had to leave." She whispered to her ears. Farah inhales a deep breath.

"I hope all is well. Though her clothes are still here. Ma will get them back to her. She's coming tomorrow"

"All is well Insha Allah"

"Now come. Who roam around on their wedding day. She was supposed to start on the bride's hands but you two didn't arrive on time. So, you should go get changed and come down for yours. Everything is ready. Your dresses. The imam will arrive by 1 pm Insha Allah". With that being said, she sprinted away to welcome some guest that are entering through the door.

"My heart almost did a flip. I thought she will notice our little lie" Sumayya uttered.

"Me too but I'm glad everything is settled now let's go and change out of these clothes before one of my Aunty murders us" She saw Aunt Myrah throwing a dagger in their direction and she offered a smile in return before dragging Sumayya upstairs.

"Masha Allah. The henna looks beautiful on your hands" Hajara, one of Sumayya's Aunt said accessing their hands with her eyes. The henna is yet to dry.

"That is because they are the brides" Yasmin chirped. Both broke Into a fit of smiles.

"How long will it take to dry?" Sumayya asked  Labibi who was the henna artist as she was packing her things since she's done with the Henna.

"Like ten to fifteen minutes. It should be fully dried up by then"

"Thank you"

"Hajara are you busy? I want you to help me with something" the silence that was maintained was replaced by Farah's voice.

"No, I'm not. Sure" She replied back rising up from her sitting position and Farah disappear once again. This time around, she ambled to the kitchen with Hajara tailing on her back. Zara's thought skims to all the events that transpired. Finally, she's getting married to Fawwaz. By tomorrow, he would be hers. Forever. Her husband. They would leave together in the same house. Her love for Fawwaz is much deeper than she expected it to be. She was closer to Amir than him back in their childhood days. She has never thought a day will come when they would fall in love with each other. Indeed Allah is the planner.

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