Chapter Forty

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At exactly 7:50 pm, the couples arrived at Zara's parent's house where the anniversary party will take place. The two brides were dressed beautifully in their new dresses which were gifted to them by their mothers-in-law. Their hands were intertwined as they made their way to the entrance door which was embellished with flowers. The moment they set their foot inside, flower petals were showered onto their bodies from every direction.

"And here comes the newlyweds." Cheered Farah. Greetings were exchanged between them and the families.

"Assalamu Alaikum to you mother and father" Zara greeted her parents. The two are wearing matching outfits. They answered to her greetings with a contented smile on their faces.

"Congratulations on your 23rd wedding anniversary" Fawwaz chipped too.

"Thank you, son. I know I've said it but I will still say it. Happy married life" said Farah. Fawwaz muttered a 'thank you'

After the pleasantries and congratulations were exchanged, they all settle at the main parlor where delicacies of all kinds were arranged on the big center table. A full family.

"Okay since we have nothing to do why not we play a game" Zara started trying to ease the silence.

"What game?"

"It's a game and it's not a game. Mom will ask a question and dad will answer it. Which will focus on their marriage life"

"You are so troublesome Zara do you want to embarrass your father? What if I couldn't answer some question"

"Well, I know you can answer them. Who is with me?" Amir was the first to raise his hands followed by Fawwaz then Sumayya.

"You these troublemakers are really something," Said Khalid who has been pressing on his phone for a while. 

"Don't worry Uncle. This game will be fun. After Mom and Dad are through with their own. It will be your turn"

"You can't be serious?"

"Yes, Father. It's not only their anniversary but like a get together so you all will have to participate too." Fawwaz chirped in now in a standing position.

Farah let out a sharp breath. "Okay enough of the bickering. Let's start before I change my mind"

"Great. Now you can start asking dad. No. Change of plans. I will ask both of you and we will see who  knows the other well." Farah throws dagger at her daughter's direction getting a shrug from her in return.

"So, are you all ready?" Their silence tells her they are indeed ready.

"First question for you dad. Who argues the most?" Zara held in her laughter seeing the glares she got from her mom in return.

"Well, your mom. She argues at the tiniest thing" Jawad answers smugly.

"That is because you always try to provoke me at the tiniest things too". They all laugh.

"Next question for you mom. Who is the most arrogant?" Farah didn't hesitate in answering

"Him. His arrogance is beyond your imaginations. If-"

"Next question Zara." Jawad cut his wife off knowing that if she starts blabbering about how arrogant he is, they won't be able to enjoy the rest of the party"

"Sure. Who confessed his love first?" Jawad glanced at his wife clearing his voice.

"Skip," he said.

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