Chapter Twelve

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"Actually I want to talk to you about something" he started. Zara listened attentively waiting for him to speak. She wonders what it is that he's going to say.


"Uhm. Go on" she ushered. It seems like the words are heavy on his lips, seeing how he talks nervously.

"I need your help," he said In one breath. She raised one of her brows indicating him to continue.

"Do you remember the lady who used to take care of you when you were a kid?"

"Yes, what about her?"

"Do you still get in touch with her?" Zara stared at him. why is he asking her such question?

"Yes, I even spoke to her last week. she's angry at me for not visiting her for a while" she blabbered. A smile made it way out of Fawwaz lips, his problems would be solved soon. Rising up from his sitting position he adjusts his suit.

"Then rest assured," he said.

"I don't understand. What do you mean" her brows slightly knitting together?

"Because we'll be going to her place" he ushered stuffing his hands back into the pocket.

"Now? What about my work?" she bombards.

"Don't worry, I know your friend can manage it right?" Zara turned around seeing Sumayya attending to a customer. Seriously, when did they even get in?

"Actually, there's an order for her which dad inquired I should deliver it to her personally. I know that you are closer to her than me. So will you accompany me?" Zara didn't know what do say besides it's a good idea. Ma wouldn't be angry at her again. Ma is the name Zara calls her with.

"Sure why not but what will I get in return?" a smirk dangled at the corner of her lips.

"Okay, what do you want then?" Zara stared in thinking. "Don't worry not now but when I need it, I'll let you know. Now let's go, you know Ma's house is one hour drive so we have to be back before Magrib" Zara explained. Taking her car keys, since they would be going in her car, they glided towards the door. After informing Sumayya.

"See you later" Sumayya exclaimed watching as they leave. She suddenly let out a sigh, remembering their conversation with Amir earlier.

Zara passed the keys to him as they walked towards her parked car.

"You drive," she said, as he unlocked the car.

"Do you like my driving that much. earlier this morning I was the one who drove us and now again" Fawwaz ignite the engine. The car making an unusual sound. Zara resists the urge to roll her eyes at his remark. Meanwhile, a figure stood a few miles away, hands curled into a fist. watching them as they drove away.

"Whatever you said. There's this ice cream parlor few blocks away from here can we stop by I'm suddenly craving for some"

"Okay baby Zara"

"Who are you calling a baby? don't forget you're just older than me with two years" she let out passing him a glare.

"And so. I'm still older than you. From now on you should be calling me big brother" he ushered with a sense of pride.

"Big what?  Obviously, your name is Fawwaz and I'll call you that. Now drive slowly if you don't want us to get into an accident" much to her thinking, Fawwaz increases the speed. Zara's heart skips a bit by how Fawwaz presses on the breaks.

"Stop it please I'm not ready to die with you" her voice was now low. Loud laugh altered to her eardrums. Fawwaz laughing hard.

"What's funny?" she asked folding her hands over her chest.

"Are you afraid of dying? seriously, Zara when your time comes whether you're prepared or not you'll die so always put it in your mind. You might sleep today and never wake up tomorrow" he advised turning his focus back to the road. Zara stared at him. Whenever she's with Fawwaz, he doesn't fail to amaze her with his words. His personality is just like his mom, they both have a thing for advising people about life and whatnot. She feels like she's growing more closer to Fawwaz day by day even though they don't get much along in their childhood days.


"Mummy I want to go to sister Zara's bakery," Majeed said to their mother, melting into her body. The woman whose attention was on her laptop turned to her six-year-old son.

"Don't worry when I'm done with my work, I and your father will take you got it" Majeed nodded, happiness visible on his face.

"Okay now go and play don't disturb mummy" she ushered pecking his chin. Majeed giggle showing his small whitish teeth and ran off to where he usually plays.

"How about me, won't mummy give me a peck?" a voice said from behind her and that person is none other than her husband Jawad.

"My kiss is only for my baby" she replied back facing her laptop once again.

Jawad slouched down beside her, placing his head on her shoulders. The two can't seem to stay away from each other. Now that Zara is not at home and majeed would either be playing or doing something else, Jawad will have his way with her.

"Stop cuddling on my body, I have an important work to do"

"Oh so now your work is more important than your husband right?" Jawad asked faking a frown.

"When did I say that?" her attention was still focused on the computer screen even with the fake frown Jawad is showing.

"Forget it I'll just go away since my wife doesn't need me anymore. Her work is more important than her husband" he mumbled. As he was about to stand up. An arm circled around his body. A smile made its way to his lips.

"I wouldn't dare to. My husband is the most important person in my life" she whispered. Jawad felt light-hearted by her words. Spooning her around, he sealed their lips together.


One hour later

Their car halted in front of a modern house. The house is the same as it was before nothing changed just the wall which is now painted in light brown

"We are finally here" Zara mumbled stretching her arms. She was exhausted from sitting in the car for one hour.

"Are you ready to see Ma?" Fawwaz asked glancing at her through his shoulder. Zara did the same.

"Yes," she answered. As they set foot towards the gate, they heard a voice from behind them.

"Stop right there"


Ops....another cliffhanger? I just like playing with your minds. *wicked grin*😈

How was the chapter? there's no much part about Amir rather Fawwaz and Zara🥰 Do you like Farah and Jawad little moments😊

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