Chapter Thirty-Three

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Two days later,

The room was eerie with noise. Farah and Myrah as usual were discussing the invitation card they would send to their friends and other relatives. A giggle made its way to Myrah's lips as she laughs to some joke Farah was telling her. On the other side sat Zara browsing through her phone. She resists the urge to roll her eyes at their never-ending conversation. They have been in that position for almost half an hour.

"Mom, Aunt. When will your planning finish?" She finally asked bringing their noise to a halt, getting a glare from her mom in return.

"What do you mean finish? Something we just started now and the wedding is in five days so we have to make sure everything is in place. You might not want a grand wedding but that wouldn't stop us from inviting our friends" she exclaimed turning her attention back to Myrah "So as I was saying, you know that my client, I will send her one. She's very nice and then..." A sound came from the door and Zara trekked to check when her eyes came in contact with Yasmin.

"Aunt Yasmin" she exclaimed cheerfully. Both Farah and Myrah turned to her and she let out a smile.

"How are you, Zara?" She asked

"I'm doing just fine Aunt. Happy to see you here" Zara uttered. Yasmin took her seat close to Farah who was already looking at her with a kind of questioning look.

"Don't you guys think you're being hard on me. Planning the wedding preparation without me" her statement made Farah watches her with more curiosity. Last time she checks, she's keen on stopping the wedding and now she's talking about wedding preparations.

"What-" Myrah started getting cut off by her as she continues.

"We don't have much time, we have two weddings to take care of"

"Two weddings?" They all said in unison. Yasmin's lips broke into a smile when she remembered their discussion with Amir last night

"Yes. You know, Amir is also getting married" she answers her smile widening more. Zara who was left standing made her way towards them.

"Are you serious Aunt? So he decided to marry her. Masha Allah"

"Marry who?"

"What are you two talking about?" Farah asked totally confused about the whole thing. Yasmin places her hands atop her sister and she let out the explanation slowly.

"Amir came to me with this good news last night. To be honest, I was delighted. There's nothing I would say than Alhamdulillah. This is the best gift that has ever happened to me and once again our family will reunite again. No conflict" she ended with a sharp breath.

"Masha Allah. I'm happy to hear this news. By the way, who is the girl and how do they meet?" She bombards at once. Before Yasmin could speak up, Zara interjected.

"You know her already. Her name is Sumayya, the girl I work together with at the bakery" Zara proudly answered.

"You mean that girl who made that delicious milk cake?" Myrah asked and Zara nodded in return.

"Alhamdulilah. Indeed Allah is the planner. who would ever imagine Sumayya will someday be in our family? Without any more interruptions, we need to complete the rest preparation. Let me call the man again, we need to print their wedding invitation card and we are almost done with the shopping."

"Um...Zara?" Farah called. "You guys will take care of the shopping since Minal is here she can help you. By the way, where is she?"

"She went to see her cousin at the hospital" Zara's lips form a thin line as she answers. Honestly, she can not understand what Minal is up to. She always steps out every morning and she at times overhears her speaking, maybe talking to herself. Allah knows what she's up to. But she won't dwell at that, she would take care of her wedding herself. No their wedding, She and Fawwaz, Amir and Sumayya. Just thinking about it made a smile out of her lips. She sends a message to Sumayya and Manal telling them they should meet.

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