Chapter Eleven

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After dropping Fawwaz at his office, Zara drove to her bakery which is five minutes drive from the company. Parking the car, she spots Sumayya and Amir seated on the bench outside. Sumayya laughing to something Amir said. Zara let out a smile making her way towards them.

"What lies is Amir feeding you this early morning?" she began scribbling her keys through the door.

"I was telling her about how you used to pester me to give you my sweet" Zara stared at him wide-eyed while she eyed Sumayya who was holding in her laugh.

"And you believed him? Actually, he was the one begging me to give him, don't listen to him, he might spoil your mind" with that she unlocked the door making her way inside.

"And why can't she? She's now my new friend. right, Summy?" Zara stared mouth wide open.

"Did you just call her Summy? Don't let him sweet-talk you, I know him better than anyone else" Zara warned catching a glimpse of Amir's smirk. He really has a way of bringing smiles to people's faces. Sumayya is a nice girl, she's glad they're getting along. Or.... her eyes snapped towards him.

"Or is she...." she trailed off.

"No," he said almost immediately. Turning to Sumayya "Don't worry about the gibberish she's sprouting. Let's go I'll help you in preparing the recipes" As they made their way toward the kitchen, Amir passed Zara a glare mouthing "See you later" Zara was left standing mouth agape. She really hopes Amir will find his life partner. Maybe they're destined to meet with Sumayya. She find herself smiling. She would try her best and bring the two closer.

"You guys shouldn't mess up the kitchen" she shouted also walking to the kitchen.

"Oh, is this what you mean by helping?" she inquired spotting him licking the condensed milk from the bowl. Amir withdrew his hand immediately.

"No, I didn't. I was just helping quietly" he said tight-lipped.

"Oh is that so? when I caught you red-handed and you let him?" Sumayya who was whisking the whipped cream shrugged her shoulder. Zara watched them with curiosity. She's suspecting something between the two. They don't even know each other that much but they're so comfortable.

"Are you jealous?" she heard Amir say.

"What? jealous? Something must be wrong with you my dear Cousin. Why will I be jealous? Anyway I know you're here for the free food, you can wait outside while we the girls do our work" She clarified wearing her apron. Amir didn't say anything, knowing she got him. He's here for the free food but she doesn't have to make it so obvious in front of Sumayya, what will she think of him now. As he slouched down on the chair sulking, his phone vibrates from his pocket. Seeing his secretary's name, he ignored it. Seriously, he's not ready to go back to the office. The phone rang again.

"This woman!" he groaned. If he doesn't pick up she'll keep calling. Sliding the accept button, he put it on speaker mode. He was waiting to hear her calm and emotionless voice instead he heard another voice.

"Amir it's your father," the man said. Amir felt his heart radiate inside. Readjusting his sitting position, he composed himself.

"Dad?" he said but it came out as a question.

"Yes, it's your father Marwan Siddiq. I want you to come to the office right now" he commanded.

"Righ-" the father hung up before he could complete his statement. Amir stared at the phone in nervousness. He could sense the outrage from her father's voice. Plopping his phone inside the pocket, he glided towards the door.

"Amir where are you running off to again?" Zara spoke up.

"I'm needed urgently at the office make sure you keep my milk cake I'll be back" he ushered storming out. Zara heaved out a sigh.

"Why did he leave?" Sumayya said behind her. as they both stared at his disappearing figure.

"He said he's needed at the office, but you should keep the milk cake he would be back"


The moment Amir stepped into his office, he was greeted with the presence of his father, his face held in a frown.

"Father" he started. The man passed him a dirty look which he used whenever he's angry about something.

"Did I appoint you as the managing director to joke around?" he asked.

"I was-" the man cut him off by holding a hand up.

"Answer my question first yes or no"

"No" he muttered quietly

"It hasn't been one week yet but you're already playing around. Is this what you promised me about making the company successful?" his father scolded. All the while, his head was cast down.

"Amir you're my son, I gave you this position because I trust your capability but you want to put me in trouble before even going far"

"I'm sorry father, it won't happen again" he confessed wholeheartedly.

"I don't know why you and Zara have this thing in you. Joking around and creating troubles. Be serious with your life, it's not everything you'll joke with. Sit down and talk to yourself. Is this how you want to continue with your life." All that his father said was true. He promised his father to take care of the business and he will.

"Insha Allah father I'll work hard" he stated.

"I hope so, I have my full faith in you make me proud son" he patted him on the back smiling a little.


"We are here talking about Amir and the other cousin is here," Sumayya said indicating to the door with her eyes. There stood Fawwaz in all his glory.

"Fawwaz what are you doing here, I just drop you off not long ago," Zara said surprised. Fawwaz stuffed his hand in his pocket. He doesn't even know the reason why he came.

"Yes but I'm kinda craving for your milk cake so I decided to pay you a visit." he lied. Zara isn't that satisfied with his answer seeing how his brows furrowed as he answered her.

"Oh really? Sumayya it seems my two cousins really loved your milk cake" she said. Her lips curving up. She's really happy people liked her handwork.

"Alright let me start preparing right away," Sumayya said and left leaving the two.

"You should've called me, I'd have delivered it to your office " Zara started trying to ease off the silence that resonates within them.

"No, it's okay actually I'm not only here because of the milk cake. I'm here to talk to you about something"

Yay Double update💃💃 Who's happy?

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I know you're curious to know about what transpired between Sumayya and Amir😉

And the last part, what do you think Fawwaz wants to talk to Zara about?😇

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Okay let's do this 🙂
Ask me a question and I'll answer them in the next chapter

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