Chapter Twenty

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Get your armors ready things are gonna get messy from now on😁

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"Amir...." She opened her mouth to utter the words but it felt heavy on her lips. To be honest, she doesn't want to pretend and give him hope. She has to tell him what she felt before it's too late.

"Come on, no need to be shy. You and I both know what we feel" Amir cheered winking at her and that made her more guilty. What if she hurt him by her answer. But it's better than pretending she likes him, it'll hurt him more.

"Okay then, I'll turn my back around if you're shy to say it in front of my face" Amir turned his back on her. Zara inhales a sharp breath. It's now or never Zara, she practically tells herself. A moment of three seconds silence was maintained before she opened her mouth.

"I'm sorry Amir" was the words her mouth could first utter.

"I'm really sorry, I know what I'm about to say will hurt you but if I pretend, it'll hurt you even more. A-"

"Apologizing for what?" He inquired with his back still facing her.

"I like you Amir but not in a relationship. I like you as a brother, my cousin and best friend" Zara felt as if something had been molded at her heart when Amir turned around with a kind of look.

"I know you're joking, you're just teasing-" he started but she cut him off.

"No Amir, I'm not. I don't want to pretend about what I feel for you. That's a form of betrayal. We're best of friends, we can continue to be. Our unbreakable bond will still remain as it is, but not in a relationship. I'm sorry Amir" Zara couldn't meet his eyes, after knowing about what he feels about her, she couldn't bring herself to stare at him for so long. She hopes he will understand.

"I'm sorry" she muttered again not noticing the horror look on the face of the guy standing in front of her.

"No this can not happen, Zara. I I love you even before I know what love is. You made me fall in love with you by all your troubles and your not so perfect personality. Zara just look into my eyes and see, you're the first person I thought of before sleeping and think about when I wake you. You can't do this to me Zara" His words stabbed her heart greatly. What she didn't want to happen is taking place right in front of her. He's hurt. He has the right to, who wouldn't. You like someone for so long and when you confessed you got rejected. It's the worst feeling.

"I'm really sorry for hurting you Amir but it's for this best" she managed to say as her head still cast down.

"No, it's not. Tell me Zara what's your reason for rejecting me?" He asked. Zara raised her face and was taken aback when she saw Amir's red eyes. It looked like he's holding himself back. Zara couldn't open her mouth, it feels like it has been sealed together.

"Tell me, Zara. Is it because of Fawwaz?" And that's it. Time stopped for a moment between them. And the staring contest begins. Amir with a shocked while Zara with a surprise look. Amir flung his eyes shut as he uttered the word that surprise Zara even more.

"I knew it has to be him. By the amount of time you guys are spending together, I know something must be going on but I didn't expect you to fall for him. Tell me, is there something he has that I don't. Looks, money, everything is there?" Zara's head was still in faze as he said the word. How did he know she likes Fawwaz? Or did Manal told him?

"How did you know?" She asked. Amir ran his thumb on his now rough hair in frustration.

"So you're not denying it that you like him? Since when?" He ushered moving closer to her, Zara took a step back.

"I don't know, I just feel something I've never feel before with anyone" she ushered.

"Even with me?" He throws again.

"I think we should get going the rest will be waiting for us" Zara started taking a step but was held back by Amir's strong arm. She stared at him wide-eyed then back to his hold on her arms.

"I'm not done talking yet" he let out.

"Amir leave my hand, you know it's haram" Zara tried freeing her hands but failed by his tight hold.

"Amir" she called. His next action shook her to the core. Amir pulled her to his body. "You are only mine Zara and no one else" She pulled him back with all her might. A scary look on her face as she stared at the man in front of her. This is not the Amir she knows. He isn't someone who will do something like this.

"Amir, why did you hug me? You know it's haram" she muttered but she knew he heard her. Before she knows it, he in front of her again, very close.

"I don't care, can't you see how much I love you Zara" to say she's surprised by his word will be an understatement. Now she knows, this is not Amir

"No Amir I've already apologized. You can't force me"

"YES I WILL. YOU ARE MINE ZARA ONLY MINE!" he yelled making her flinch. She stared at him wide-eyed, as his breathing went in and out.

"Are you okay Amir?" She asked because she can only see a different man in front of her. Not her best friend or cousin.

"Yes, I'm okay. Do you think I'll let him take you away from me, like hell I will. Zara only belongs to Amir" he seethes, his eyes are now a shade of red with anger in them.

"No Amir. Zara belongs to no one. And I'm not yours get that in your head" Zara couldn't hold it in anymore. This side of him scares her to the core. She has to let him know that you don't always get everything you want, especially forcing someone to love you.

"Yes you belong to me and that's final"

"No Amir stop exaggerating. I'm not yours" I ushered calmly.

"YES YOU ARE ZARA ABDALLAH BELONGS TO AMIR. AND THAT'S FINAL!" he spitted his face closer to hers. Her head completely blacks out. She's already scared for herself and for him too. What if Amir has been possessed? This is clearly not Amir, the charismatic guy. This is someone else

"And who gave you the right to say that?" A voice said from behind them which snapped them from their conversation.


Assalamu Alaikum,

I know you're angry? I made Amir into a totally different person but that's all part of the story don't hate him or maybe you'll hate him. Things are going to get messier from now on🙂

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Allah Hafiz


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