Chapter Thiry-Four

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Fawwaz at his office working on the new project he was assigned to when all of a sudden, a smile escape him remembering the conversation he had with Sumayya earlier. He knew she was just joking around with him. Because he won't be able to stay for five days without seeing or hearing Zara's voice. She is much more important to him now. Being away from her is like someone taking away his being. She is his life. His princess. A knock sounded from the door.

"Come in" he ushered and the door was pushed open followed by his Secretary.

"Good day Sir" the lady greeted politely. Fawwaz nods his head curtly.

"Sir, this letter was delivered this morning and your name was written on it" she handed him the small brown envelop.

"Thank you"

When she left, he stared at the envelope in curiosity. Tearing it open, he read the content.

Good day Mr. Fawwaz

How are you doing? And work. I'm writing this letter to you to apologize for my sudden disappearance. I know, backing off from the project is a surprise to you as I have been your client for a long time. That happened due to some personal reasons which I'm sorry to say that I wouldn't be able to tell you but one thing I would like to tell you is that working with you and your father is always smooth and fast. All my projects with you are always a success without any problem and I must say your company is one of the best shipper and very soon it will be at the top. Last word, I have a new project coming up and I would like your company to work on it. Thank you.

With regard, Mr. Samson.

Fawwaz didn't know what to say after reading the letter. He's glad Mr. Samson decided to work with them again. Though he's curious to know why he back out in the first place. He didn't waste time to dwell on that. He has to inform his father about the good news. Scrolling through his contact list, he dialed his father's mobile.

"Assalamu Alaikum father" he started the moment the man answered the call.

"Wa Alaikum salam Fawwaz"

"Father, I just received a letter from Mr. Samson that he would like to work with us again" he uttered waiting to hear his father's reaction.

"Alhamdulillah. I'm glad he realized that he cannot dispose us like that" Khalid exclaimed.

"Yes, father. Very soon our company will be at the top. Insha Allah"

"Good job Son. I'm proud of you keep up the good work" Fawwaz smiled to his father's compliment. Receiving it will encourage him more to bring the company to success.



"Yes her name is Minal. I want you to keep an eye on her. Whenever she goes or whoever she meets. Report every little detail to me" Amir explained.

"Thank you" ending the call, he rubbed his hands on his temples. Minal is trying to deter things. He brought her here himself and he'd make sure she stays away before the wedding. After five days, she won't be able to do anything. Just the thought assured him. He wants to see his family happy without any complications. At least, he's sure about his decision to marry Sumayya. He might not feel something strong for her now but he knows gradually they will work things out. He would take care of her wholeheartedly.  All of a sudden, his eyes widened when realization hit him. He was supposed to meet Sumaya's father as the man requested him to. It's not like he hasn't met him before. That happened three days ago when he and his father went to ask for her hand in marriage. Thinking about it, felt so surreal. Such is life. Taking his wallet and car keys, he alerts his secretary that he would be stepping out for a bit. Before embarking his way to the house.

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