Chapter Eighteen

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Zara heaved out a sigh as she ended the call with Manal. What will she do now? She rakes her hands on her open hair groaning. Ya Allah make the situation easier for me. she silently prayed. A knock emerged from the door followed by Aunt Myrah's voice.

"Zara are you still sleeping?" the woman started in a not so high voice. Zara reach for her veil and tied it around her head. She doesn't normally leave her hair open, till it's necessary or when she washed it and wanted to dry it up with the natural wind.

"No Aunt, I'm coming" she ushered walking to the door and opened it revealing her aunt in a dashing outfit. Zara watched the woman from head to toe.

"Aunt you look so beautiful, what's the occasion?" she said with a wink. A smile made it way out of Myrah's lips.

"I know what you're thinking but my friend invited me to her baby shower, and I want to be present for all the preparations. Now your breakfast is set, Khalid has some meetings in France, so he took the early morning flight and Fawwaz is still sleeping. I don't know what has gotten into him today, he normally wakes up early. Anyway, please wake him up, I really need to go" The woman explained as she turned around and took off.

"Bye Aunt" Zara ushered, the woman waved her hands in return. Her eyes dart to the brown wooden door few miles away from her room. So he's still sleeping? Her lips curved up, time for some troubles. She slipped in her flip flop, readjust her veil, and trekked quietly to his door. Fisting her hands, she placed it on the door and started beating on it like that of someone playing the drum. When she didn't hear any movement, she increases her speed, though her knuckles are killing her already but she needed to make him angry this early morning. Just as she was about to beat it again, the door flung open followed by an irritated Fawwaz. He could barely open his eyes, due to the sleep that was still in them. His rumpled hair didn't go unnoticed by her and not to talk of how the white shirt clung to his body. Zara whispered an 'Astagafirullah'

"What are you doing here? and why are you banging on my door this early morning" instead of his voice to come out normal but it came as a whisper. Zara mentally scolds herself for taking notice of everything about him. Leaning her back on the door, she folded her arms across the chest.

"Well, Aunt went out and she said I should wake you up that breakfast is ready," she said tight-lipped. Fawwaz squints his eyes watching her as if trying to make out her words. He mimics her actions, folding his arms across the chest too.

"Last time I checked, you're not the person who wakes me up and also inform me breakfast is ready" he ushered. Zara passed him a glare with a roll on her eyes.

Clearing her voice, she composed herself. "My dear cousin don't get me wrong, I was asked to pass a piece of information which I did so. But-"

"But?" he asked. She could sense the curiosity in his voice.

"Nothing, I understand because today is Saturday, which means no office, no work. So you can lazy around the way you want to but for me, I don't play when it comes to food. You can go back to sleep" Zara sprinted away not waiting for his response with a glint of smile on her face by the position she left him in. Speechless.

Fawwaz let out a smile as he watches her disappearing figure. Gracing her face to him really lightens his mood in the early morning. Closing the door, he walked to the bathroom and did his morning routine. He has already prayed his Fajr prayer together with his dad before he left for France. His parents are the type of people who don't joke with their religion. The moment the Azan was being called, his mom will remind him and since then he always prays on time. Since today is a work-free day, he decided to dress in a simple shirt and jeans. He applied a hair cream to his hair, spray cologne and he's done.

"Good to go" he muttered before descending down to meet up with his trouble Cousin. His thought was cut short when he finds the plate in front of her empty. She sure is a foodie.

"Are you that hungry?" he started taking his seat facing her. Silence.

"You sure eat a lot" silence. So she decided to ignore him right. A smirk made its way to his lips. Then two can play the game. He focused his attention on his food as he munch quietly not realizing a certain person that was staring at him all the while. He also finished everything on the plate. His mom sure knows how to cook delicious food. He took the used plate to the kitchen, washed them and place them in their respective place, he was about to leave the kitchen when Zara entered with her own plate. Ignoring her, he walked pass her with a smile on his face. She decided to ignore him then he'll do the same too.

"Fawwaz" he heard her call his name, but he continues walking slouching down on the couch as he reach for the remote control.

"Fawwaz did I do something wrong?" she asked from behind him. A chuckle try to escape him but he held it in. So now she's asking him.

"Fawwaz" she called again. He increases the volume pretending as if he didn't hear her.

"Is it because I ignored you earlier? I was just teasing you. I didn't know you'd be offended. I'm sorry" she whispered. Fawwaz felt weak by her words. To be honest, he didn't like how she ignored him earlier. He might dislike her troubles but he also doesn't want her to stop her teases, he enjoyed spending time with her. He won't lie, he was caught off guard by Amir's confession but if something is destined to happen then it'll.

"It's okay, I'm not offended" he assured.

"Really?" she asked and he nodded in return.

"Okay then" she cheered. A faint smile made its way to his face. He's delighted that he's the reason behind her smile.

"Um... about what you said yesterday. If that's what your heart wants then follow your heart" he confided. He knew the bond they shared with Amir isn't an easy thing, he hope they'll be happy. Is that what you really want? his mind tells him.


His back was rested on the bed while his eyes were glued to his phone as he stared at it. He let out a grin, running his thumb on the phone screen.

"Zara I can't wait for you to be mine" he whispered. Closing his eyes, her beautiful face flashed in his mind. Finally, he let out what he's been keeping in his heart. He knows she likes him too but he'd give her enough time she needs. He won't rush her. He's glad Fawwaz made him muster up the courage. If they didn't spend more time together, he wouldn't have mustered the courage to confess. He had to before Zara and Fawwaz got closer than they are. Now he has full confidence in courting Zara.


Assalamu Alaikum,

How was the chapter?

Do you like how Zara and Fawwaz are spending their weekend 🙂 They looked like couples already🥰

And Amir, what do you think will happen to him when Zara informed him about who her heart really want😬 I'll just leave you guys to be thinking thinking........😂

Have you check out my new book "Crossed" if no, then do check it out😇 And from now on Update will be twice a week. Thursday and Sunday

Allah hafiz

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