Chapter Twenty Six

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Not edited (ignore the errors😪)

"I'm the one" her eyes snapped towards the source of voice finding Amir standing with a glint on her face. The bags under his eyes didn't go unnoticed.

"Amir?" she uttered the words slowly. He regally walked up to her with a smile on his face. A smile that wasn't there for the past few days. He stopped in front of her, hands stuffs inside the pocket.

"Are you surprised?" He voiced. Zara would be lying if she said she wasn't surprised by his presence. She wasn't expecting him but the expression on his face says otherwise.

She decided to act normal and for once not to think of what transpired between them. "Of course I am. But why did you bring all these people?"

"What? Aren't you happy that you're having a lot of customers today" he ushered dropping his arms with a look of ignorance. Zara heaved out a sigh. Had it been he did that before, she would've been very happy but now, she has a feeling he's not helping her from his genuinely.

"Can we talk?" she said moving few miles away from the guest. His hands were folded across his chest as he waited for her to speak up. Maybe she finally realized his good intentions towards him. He thought.

“I'm grateful for recommending them here but Amir I want to do this myself, I want to gain the customers myself. I'm not saying this because of what happened between us. No. I just think it will make me feel at ease knowing the customers came on their own accord and-"

"Wow, Zara what a brave act" Amir clapped his hands together gaining the attention of the people eating quietly. "So now you think because you and Fawwaz are a thing, you'll say whatever you want to. Zara, you've changed. You're treating me like an outcast because of a man. Do you really think he's strong enough to take care of you? You might claim you love each other but I assure you, it won't last long" The throws in a raised voice. Now they have become the center of attention. Zara watched Amir his face was held in a mockery tone. For the past days, he's showing nothing to her but a new side. The new behavior of him that she couldn't understand.

He lowered his voice as he whispered. "Why can't you understand that I love you, Zara. You won't be happy together with Fawwaz" Anger aroused inside her. Who does he think he is? Since he came to embarrass her in front of the people then she would equally do the same.

"Who are you to say that? Yes, I can not understand and I wouldn't. Why? because I love Fawwaz and he's the only man I will spend the rest of my life with. You don't have the right to tell me whether I will be happy with him or not" She was supposed to tell him more but decided not to by the looks people are giving them but it seems Amir isn't a bit bothered by them as his next word stopped her on her tracks.

"I can see you're aiming something from him, that is why you're hell-bent on getting married to him" And that's what it takes to unleash her outrage more. Zara was so angry by his words that she didn't know when her hand came in contact with his face.

"How dare you?" she said in outrage. "Tell me, because I can see you're not in your right state of mine if not you wouldn't say all these hurtful words to me. You invited all these people just to mock and embarrass me the way you like. Then kudos to you, because you've finally made me understand that you're nothing but a selfish person who only thinks about himself" Sumayya pulled her back, but being in the raging mood she was in didn't bulge instead she throws a dirty look to him who was standing still holding his chin with his palm with a horrified expression on his face.

"Zara did you-" he uttered getting a glare in return.

"Yes, I slapped you because you deserve it and I don't regret it a bit. I can't believe you of all people who I think as a sensible person will do this kind of thing to me. Amir, we are family but what you said just now isn't like you. It feels like I'm talking to a stranger. I regret all the time we spent together. I should've known this is what the outcome will be. You said you love me right? Then your love is fake. If you really love me genuinely, you would have respect my feeling but no, you did the opposite. I'm disappointed in you. Let me make myself clear to you, this marriage will take place and it will be right in front of your eyes. You will witness the imam pronouncing us husband and wife"

"Zara" Sumayya uttered trying to touch her but Zara flinch. "No Sumayya let me. He thinks he can insult me and embarrass me by inviting his people then I will make sure he feels hurt by his actions" Amir opened his mouth and was about to say something but stopped. There was something in his eyes. A look of guilty but Zara was far angry to notice that. He has already shattered the special spot she has for him in her heart. There's nothing left.

"I'm-" he started getting cut by Sumayya. She was also surprised by his action. She thought just maybe, the guy she once has a crush on is a sensible man but all his actions for the past days proved her wrong. She's glad she let away her feelings for him. She doesn't have any lingering feelings for him. He's not the same Amir she felt attractive towards the first time she laid her eyes on.

"Please take care of the bakery Sumayya. I cannot stay here for a second here. I feel suffocated. And don't collect any money from them. I don't need his or their money." she muttered to Sumayya. Taking one look at the guilty Amir she sprinted away not bothered by the look on the customer's face.  The moment she was out of the bakery, her leg felt heavy as she wobbles on the bench outside. Many things ran through her mind.

*You won't be happy together with Fawwaz*

*I can see you're aiming something from him*

The two statements turn in her head continuously to the extent that she felt pain shot through her head. Is this the love he said he has for her when all he showed is hurt and embarrassment. She really mean it when she said he will witness her and Fawwaz's marriage in front of his eyes. Her phone vibrates from the bag with the little strength she has in her body, she managed to fish out the phone seeing Fawwaz's name flashed across the screen.

"Assalamu Alaikum" his voice revamped from the other end. For some reason, she felt calm just by hearing his voice. Her body felt relaxed at least she has someone by her side.

She made sure her voice wouldn't crack before speaking. "Wa Alaikum salam"

"What happened?" was his next statement which caught her off guard. How did he know there's something on her mind?

"Nothing" she lied letting out a chuckle the way he wouldn't notice.

"Don't hide it from me, I can hear the change in your voice which isn't the way you normally speak." Zara took a deep breath.

"Something happened at the bakery, it's nothing serious just customer issue"

"Was it Amir?" he stated. Zara was dumbstruck. How did he know? She turns her face scanning the place and there he stood a few miles away from her with the phone glued to his ear.

"How long have you been standing there?" she asked staring at him from the farther place he was standing. Fawwaz let out a smile, the kind that made her heart escalates whenever he smiled at her.

"Long enough" he disconnects the call as he trekked towards her standing right in front of her.

"What happened?" he asked the same question again.

"Nothing serious" she retorted back in a low voice her head cast down. She doesn't want any more fights to occur.

"Look at me" he demanded.

"Please" he added again seeing no reaction from her.  Zara raises her head slowly boring her almost watery eyes onto his. Fawwaz's face softens seeing Zara in that state. He knew what Amir did this time around was far worse than before. How he wish he can hug her and tell her everything will be okay. He'd be here for her.

"Zara I want you to know that even the tiniest bit of your problem is now my problem. I don't want you to hide anything from me. I'm here for you. We're here for each other and together we will fight any obstacle. Wait let me talk to him myself" he was about to walk past her when Zara held his arm which made him stop. She quickly removed her hands realizing what she was doing.

"Please take me home Fawwaz" she mouthed.


Assalamu Alaikum,

Long time no update🙂

How was the chapter? I hope you don't hate Amir *Sniffs* 😪

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