Chapter Ten

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It was early in the morning, Fawwaz woke up feeling much better, he's not feeling any more pain in the head. His Mother's herbal tea and the pain relief really helped. Words could not express how grateful and thankful he is to Allah for blessing him with such a caring and loving family. His parent's happiness is very important to him. That is why last night, when she ordered him not to move, he didn't dare to and the medications too, to be honest, he doesn't like taking them. When he was a child his mom used to force him. Now he's all grown up, he took them even though he felt like throwing up when taking them.

After dressing in his work attires, he took the necessary things he'd be needing at the office. His Dad is on a business trip so he manages almost all the things, the father said it's even better because sooner or later, he'd be the one to manage it officially. Watching his reflection one last time in the mirror, he muttered an okay as he descended down. What he didn't expect is to see Zara sitting on the dining hands on her head.

"Hey" he started. Zara's head snapped towards his direction.

"Morning Fawwaz"

"What are you doing here so early in the morning" Fawwaz couldn't bring himself not to ask as he normally leaves before her but seeing her early this morning raised curiosity in him.

"I'm thinking since we going to almost the same direction why not I drop you off at the office since your car has still not gotten repaired" she let out calmly. Fawwaz stared at the lady in front of him with a look of surprise. Seriously, Is she really Zara the troublemaker he knows. He squinted his eyes folding his hands across the chest.

"Is there something you're planning this time? Because last time I check you're not a quiet woman, so I'm having negative thoughts about it" an amused smile played at the corner of his lips. Zara let out a small hiss.

"I was being kind here because you saved me yesterday, but if you don't want the ride then I'll just go on my way" seeing her this way really baffles him.

"I told you I did it for the sake of Allah and I'm surprised because I always knew you as the troublemaker"

"I'm still me, it's just...." she trailed off sensing the look Fawwaz is giving her, a smirk on his lips.

"Go on" he ushered. Saying it felt hard to her.

"I want to focus on my work for once and reduce my stubbornness like you said" she muttered turning her face to the side. Fawwaz laughs radiate to her eardrums.

"What?" she queried.

"Will you stop laughing and talk or I'll just go on my way" she has so much to do today than listening to him teasing her.

"Okay I'm sorry" his laughter died down, now putting on a serious face. "Zara, I just said it, I didn't know you'll heed my advice. Though, I want you to focus on your work, I know when you reduce your stubbornness Amir will lessen his too. So I'm really honored today, Zara is finally turning to a quiet woman" She passed him a dirty glare. She was also surprised that she heeded to Fawwaz and her Father's advice so easily. Maybe it's for the better.

"And who told you that. Me creating troubles doesn't mean I'm not a calm woman"

"Okay, my lips are sealed. Now shall we?" Fawwaz glanced at his watch seeing almost past eight. They spent almost fifteen minutes talking.

"I thought you don't want me to drop you off?" she stood rooted to the ground,  lips curving up.

"There's mom's car in the parking lot but to celebrate my cousin turning to a non-troublesome woman I'll accept your help " Zara opened her mouth to say something but decided against it.

"Whatever what of Aunt?" she was about making her way up when he stopped her.

"She's still sleeping and I know she won't bother. Now let's go before people talk about me coming late"

"it would've been much better. I'd love to hear that"

"Uh-huh, are you back to your old self."

"Ops... I almost forgot You started it. Take the keys you drive" she threw the keys at him as they left the house closing the door quietly behind them.


  "Good morning Mr. Amir" Cassandra his secretary greeted. Amir finds himself smiling. whenever they address him as Sir, he felt happy. His eyes went to his secretary who stood calmly holding a cup of coffee and some file.

"Morning Cassandra, how are you" he inquired.

"I'm fine thank, you Sir. Here's your morning coffee and also those files need your approval" the lady said politely. keeping the cup of hot coffee beside him and the files in front of him.

"What are the files are about?" To be honest, he's tired of signing one document to another. He's always curled up in his office, and the lady standing a few miles away didn't spare him a little bit of time to rest. No matter how he tries to make her smile, the lady stood calmly and emotionless. He has a feeling, she doesn't know the word smile.

"Some packages arrived this morning which are to be shipped to Brooklyn, NY. So you have to sign then first before we do the remaining work" Amir took in a sharp breath. Signing the papers, he gave them back to her.

"Thank you," he said. Cassandra bowed down as she turned around and leave closing the door very quietly. Amir groaned. This Secretary of his is really something but he'd make sure to make her smile even for once. He glanced at the almost cold coffee. He's not a fan of coffee, and that black one which tasted bitter, he liked sweet things. He'd pay Zara a visit, her milk cake is one of the best he has ever tasted. Taking his phone, he once again stared at her picture, he can't stop himself from thinking about her. She's the only thing he'd ever want and wish for.


How was the chapter?

So In the last chapter, I said I'm not updating for two days but y'all have been sweet who am I not to update.

Anyway, how was Zara and Fawwaz little talk? they're spending more time together without Amir 🤔

Who do you think is the girl Amir couldn't stop thinking about?🙂

Ship the names of who you want to be together. 🥰

Will be waiting to hear your opinions 😉

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